Bruises on Her Legs

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Author's Note:
Thank you guys so much for reading! I hope you guys are enjoying. Also, check out edgyella and her book. She's really helped me a lot and deserves to be known. Thank you guys!


I slowly made my way back up the driveway to the door. When the doorknob didn't turn, I realized the door had locked behind me. Thank god I had grabbed my key.

Turning the key in the socket, I push the door all the way open. I take a deep breath while shutting it. As I walk into my mother's room, my heart beats faster and my breath get shortened and quicker.

Once I get to the box hallway, I jump over the desk and land on the trap door once again. I back up into the desk and lean down slowly. I put the rope attached to the trapdoor around my hand once and grab the end tightly. I lift it slowly. I see nothing. Pitch black.

"Mom?" I call down. I hear shuffles.

"Mom!" I call down again, this time louder.

"Mmph mphhh," I hear. Shoot. Whoever's down there is in trouble.

"I'll be right back," I yell as I run into my room for a flashlight.

I looked all around my messy room to see when I put the flashlight. Finally, I spotted it, grabbed it, and ran. This time, I shot up the trapdoor. I turned the flashlight on and looked around cautiously.

There were carpeted stairs. There was also a cement floor and walls. There were no windows and no lights. I scanned my flashlight all around the walls. I noticed they were all covered in blood spatters. What kind of nightmare am I living above?

As I keep scanning the basement, I also see various holes in the walls. Then I see something I wouldn't ever imagine. Mr. Charves . . . and my mother.

"Mom!" I scream out. She has a cloth tied across her mouth and she's tied against a wall. There were 2 steel rods coming out of the wall. Mr. Charves was standing next to her with a whip. It wasn't until I saw the whip that I realized my mother had bruises all over her legs.

Using instincts, I run down the stairs. Mr. Charves raises his whip. I decide to stop moving and try to take deep breaths. I feel the tears about to erupt building up in my eyes.

"Mr. Charves! What are you doing here and why did you take my mother?" I scream.

"Oh, Mackenzie. Don't worry, your mommy is just fine," he says with a smirk.

"Obviously she's not," I yell back at him, taking a few steps forward. I realize he raises his whip again and I stop. His eyebrows get arched and his eyes got wider.

"Yes, she is, Mackenzie. Don't you dare question me, young lady," he yells while forcing the whip through the air down onto my mother's leg. Her face scrunched in as she winced in pain.

"Stop doing this to my mother!" I yelled as I fell down onto my knees. I let the tears out, I couldn't stop now, I had to let them out.

As I sobbed, I heard my mother struggling to untie herself and escape. I run over to my mother and squeeze her in a tight hug.

As my vision blurred, I whispered "I love you so much mom. I'll get you out of this, don't worry," into my mother's ear.

The last thing I remember before passing out is being hit on the back multiple times by Mr. Charves' whip.

When I woke up, I was on a soft surface. I open my eyes and realize I'm on my bed. I don't know if that was a dream or a reality. I could of landed her in both situations. When I look at the clock on my night stand it says 8:30 pm.

I decide to go back down into the basement to see if it was real. I grab the flashlight and walk into my mother's room. Turning on the flashlight, I lift the trapdoor and go down the stairs. There my mother was, laying in the couch, her hands tied to the table behind it.

I quietly run over to her. Somebody runs in front of me and trips me. I can't see who it was, but I can tell it's not Mr. Charves this time. The person who stopped me has long hair. It was a woman. Her body was small and had many curves. She ran away and didn't come back. I lay on the cold floor, again, crying.

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