Y-yes Mr. Gomez?

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Author's Note:
Sorry if this is a boring beginning. I promise it'll get more exciting! Thank you guys for reading and please leave some comments!


We kept walking through the hallways that I went through to get to the office.

"At the end of each class, come down to my office. I'll make sure to be there, and I'll show you to your next class," Mrs. Chesnut said, nudging me with her elbow.

"Ok," I said nodding. For some reason I felt very comfortable around her.

Finally, we made our way into a small classroom with a smart board taking up a whole wall with posters of the periodic table and atom models covering up the rest of the walls. I'm guessing this is a science classroom.

"Good morning students," Ms. Chesnut said with much more of a stern voice than when we talked alone.

"Good morning Ms. Chesnut," my classmates replied.

"This is Mackenzie Carlson," she said gesturing towards me, "she is your new classmate."

They just rolled their eyes and put their heads back down into the paper on their desks. I was guessing none of them had been on my bus because nobody was yelling 'new girl Mackenzie.' The only people that weren't scribbling on the paper were the kids in the back who were talking and one girl that almost looked just like me.

She had a big smile on her face. Her hair was straight and light brown like mine with brown eyes. She wore clothes like mine. Old looking and not matching at all. The seat next to her was empty, so I decided I would sit there.

Once Mrs. Chesnut was finished introducing me I gave her a slight wave and a thank you nod and made my way next to the girl. She was patting the empty chair next to her as I quickly walked to the seat and sat down.

"Hi! I'm Cassidy," she said right when I sat.

"I-I'm Mackenzie." I said. "I'm new." Oh my god Mackenzie, think before you say something!

"I know, Mrs. Chesnut told all of us already," she said chuckling.

I put my face down onto my palms. "I'm so stupid," I whispered under my breath.

"Don't be so negative," She said. I should of been quieter.

I jolted my head up. "Sorry, just no one here has talked to me besides teachers and the one time someone my age is nice to me I say something stupid."

"Don't worry. You'll get used to it. Nobody talks to me, either. I'll be your friend and be here for you," she said.

"Thank you so much." We both had smiles on our faces.

"No probl-"

"Excuse me ladies," an unfarmiar voice says.

Cassidy and I's heads shoot up to look at the man standing in front of our table.

I look over to Cassidy and put a worried look on my face.

"S-sorry Mr. Gomez. We didn't mean to interrupt the class," she said, looking over to me and back at Mr. Gomez.

"That's alright Cassidy. And for you, Miss. Carlson, may I see you outside the classroom for a minute please?"

I looked back to Cassidy again and had even more of a worried face than last time. She also had the same face, so I'm guessing this isn't going to be a great conversation.

Mr. Gomez was already walking to the door by the time Cassidy gestured for me to get up and hurry. I quickly got up and fast walked to meet Mr. Gomez outside the door.

"Y-yes Mr. Gomez?"

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