Trap Door

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Author's Note:
Thank you guys so much for reading! I know you guys hear this a lot, and I'm sorry! I hope you guys are liking it! Please leave comments if you're interested! Also: long, sort, or in between chapters?


I turned on some music from what I had in my phone. It's mostly older songs, since my mother won't let me buy songs anymore. At least it's something though.

I sing with the music since I know pretty much every word to these songs, because it's all I had on the weekend when my mother was at work at the coffee shop down the road.

After a long time finishing my unpacking, I decide to go see what my mother's doing. I walk down the small hallway into the room next to mine.

"Hi mom," I said. I got no response. Worried, I looked around the room. All of the boxes were still there and unpacked. I guess she decided to do the kitchen and living room first.

Just to be sure she's not in here listening to music or something, I look around and behind boxes.

I go behind what looks like a wall made out of boxes. Whenever I came in here, I always thought there was a dresser or desk behind there.

As soon as I step my right foot behind the first box, I feel something isn't right. I pause for a minute, thinking if I should really go around the corner.

What do I have to lose at this point?

My left foot slowly lifts. I know I'm going to regret doing this for some reason. I just have to know what's behind here.

When I turn my head I see a wooden desk right in front of me, but there's still empty space behind it. Why wouldn't she just put the rest of the boxes against the wall to give her more space? I climb over the desk and slide myself down onto the floor. When my eyes locate the floor under me, I realize I'm standing on a trap door.

I don't remember mom saying we had a basement. I don't think basements count as a story of a house, but I didn't remember anything being said about a basement. Why wouldn't she put the boxes on top if we were just worrying about the first floor?

I decide to leave it alone for now. I exit the tiny hallway of boxes and go out of the room and into the kitchen across the hall. All of the boxes that were in here have either been moved into the right room or emptied. I noticed there was lot of more things on the counters and table than when I left for school.

There were still plenty of boxes in the living room when I looked through the rectangle of empty wall that separates the kitchen from the living room. I don't understand why they couldn't of just knocked the whole wall down if they just took out a rectangle of it.

I go down the hall and look into the bathroom. She's not in here either, and there's many boxes in here as well. I guess I should check for her car before opening that trap door.

I walk back down the hallway again and out the front door, making sure to grab my key from the front pocket of my backpack. I could also use some fresh air, because I'm getting pretty nervous.

When I go outside, I realize that her car is still there. Maybe she just went for a walk and I didn't hear her when she told me. There's only one other place to look before I go around the neighborhood asking for her. The trap door.

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