The Man

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Author's Note: Sorry I haven't been uploading! I've been really busy with school and other things. Thank you guys so much for 100 views! When I started this book, I had no hope that anybody would like it. thank you guys so much for reading!


"Come on Jake, follow me," a bold voice says.

At first, I hear one pair of heavy footsteps coming up the stairs slowly, then another pair came running, catching up with the first ones.

"Dad! Dad! Is she awake?" I hear a young boy ask. That must be Jake.

The heavier footsteps trail into my room and I squeeze my eyes shut. Jake's footsteps stop in the hallway, I'm guessing. The man's footsteps stop right next to my bed and I feel his breath on my forehead.

"You don't have to pretend. I know you're awake," the man whispers in my ear.

The heavy footsteps continue around my bed then trail to where Jake's footsteps stopped. I wanted to lean down and pick up May. I didn't want to risk getting caught, though. I don't know what they'd do to me.

"Why don't you go get your brother and play Minecraft," the man says.

Jake's small footsteps become quieter as he runs down the stairs and I hear muffled voices. Two of them I don't recognize. One is a woman's voice. Similar to my mother's, but very different. Another is a boy's voice. It sounded just like Jake's, but it was very scratchy. The brothers' voices sound like they are about 10. I'm not sure though, because I haven't really talked to boys since I had an accident with a swing at the park when I was 8.

I heard the door slowly shut. The man came back to the side of my bed. I squeezed my eyes together as hard as I could. I felt a big hand on my shoulder that rolled me onto my back.

My eyes shot open and faced an older man. He had dark brown medium-lengthed hair and stubble all over his rounded face. His eyelashes were long, protecting his light green eyes.

His other hand shot down onto my other shoulder right when i started to try and get away. I screamed, hoping it would wake up my mother. Kicking as hard as I could at the man's private parts did nothing. He stayed on top of me and I couldn't even make his arms bend.

He put one hand over my mouth and I stopped screaming. I bit down into the skin on his palm. His face turned from a sickening smile to his eyes wide open just like his mouth. He pinched my arm with his nails and grabbed his wrist, legging go of me.

I jolted up from my bed, grabbed May, and ran into the room my mother was in. Apparently the door was shut, but I couldn't tell because the only thing i could focus on was the blood trickling down my arm. I slammed straight into the door. I heard the man chuckle behind me as he got up.

I quickly got up and ran into the bathroom. I slammed the door shut behind me and hid in to tub. I put one of my hands over May's snout, which made her stop barking. I let go of her and put my hand over my shoulder.

"Hun? Do you need any help up there," the woman's voice yelled.

"No, Beth. I've got this. Keep the boys down there please," the man yelled back.

May sat in front of me and wagged her tail, like she has no idea what's happening to me. Listening against the door, it sounds like the man is going back down the stairs.

I get out of the bathtub and find a face cloth to wrap around my shoulder. I pick up May and try to get into my mother's room again. It seems like somebody's blocked the door. She probably put the dresser in front of the door. Maybe he's been into her room already and she doesn't want me to know.

"Give her time," the man's voice says.

"Dad, when will she be ready?" Jake asks.

Ready for what?

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