A Familiar Name

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Author's Note:
Thank you guys so much for reading! I had a bit of writers block during this chapter since it's just getting started. I'm wondering if I should add a cast. Thank you all for reading and please leave some comments!


"First of all, welcome to Lake Shay Middle School," Mr. Gomez said.

"Thank y-"

"I wasn't finished. Listen here Mackenzie. Not many teachers here strict here. I'm one of those teachers. I want to make sure that you get a good education and have a good life. Do you understand?" He says sternly.

I just nodded because I wasn't sure if he was going to interrupt me again.

"Do you understand?" He says again.

"Y-yes. I understand," I reply, nodding even more. I feel the heat rush up to my cheeks. I back up a little so I'm not visible to everyone in the class.

"Good. Please go back to your seat now."

I would be glad to, Mr. Gomez.

When I get back to my seat, Mr. Gomez calls Cassidy outside and probably gave her some kind of lecture. When she came back, she sat down and let out a deep breath that sounded like she had been holding it in since she went out there.

Finally, the bell rang and I went to Mrs. Chesnut's office. Cassidy asked to come with me, but I didn't want her to be late for her class.

Next thing I know, I'm in every class with Cassidy. Thank god. I haven't had any classes with the kids on my bus. They're probably in lower classes. I only have to deal with them in the morning and when I get to leave this place.

Throughout the day, I saw Mr. Charves frequently. It's like every time I see him, he's looking at me. I get a strange feeling when he looks at me with those brown eyes.

Every time I go to Mrs. Chesnut's room, I feel like we've know each other for a while. I'm not sure when, though. I don't remember ever knowing anybody with the last name Chesnut. I saw her first name on my schedule. Kerrie Chesnut. Her name sounds so farmiliar. I just can't think back to where I know it from!

The bus ride home was the same as this morning. Sitting in the front alone. People chanting "new girl Mackenzie!"

Finally, I got home and my mother was going through boxes. She was finally starting to unpack. I walked slowly into the kitchen after putting down my backpack by the door.

"Hi mom," I shouted.

She had headphones on and she likes to listen to her MP3 player a lot. She shot her head up . Her eyes were lit up and a smile grew across her mouth. She tugged on her headphones and took them off, making sure to pause her music.

"Honey! How was your day?" She asked.

"It was okay," I said. I didn't want to tell her about the kids on the bus just yet. Heat quickly rushed up into my cheeks as I thought about Mrs. Chesnut.

"So, mom," I began, tracing my finger along the wood on the table, "do you recognize the name Kerrie Chesnut? It has a familiar tone to me, but I can't think of ever meeting her."

My mother's smile went down and the light in her eyes dimmed.

"What's wrong, mom?" I asked.

"Oh, nothing sweetie. I just had a few bad thoughts come to mind. I-uh, I haven't met her until-uh until I enrolled you to your school. Sorry hun." She said. She now had a faint smile, but her brows were still down.

Suddenly, it seems like she had come out of deep thought. She bit her lip and put her headphones back on.

I went into my room and started unpacking the rest of my boxes, wondering what that was all about.

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