For myself

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Marshal's face relaxed back into the cold glare that it had been, since before he'd met the prince. Gumball decided to stick around until the king left, knowing that this was a bit of a disappointment for quite a few people. He was sure the princess, especially. He looked over at marshal, who only seemed to be staring blankly at the people below, though Gumball grew a bit uneasy as he looked over the others face. That wasn't the face of Marshal.... it was the same face he'd seen as he'd defended the prince from the wolf. It wasn't... calm. It wasn't completely distorted like it had been, but the distress behind it, made it obviously different. The black lines that barely showed below the others eyes.. they slightly darker red color to the vampires eyes... "Marshal..." Gumball said cautiously after a moment, causing the other to look over at him. Gumball didn't reply at first, now that he noticed just how distressed the other looked. Marshal didn't move, though, just waiting for what the other had to say. ".. Marshal, I'm sorry." He said after a moment, barely able to say what he wanted. ".. I feel like the news of all this was a bit sudden, before.. I feel like I'd upset you in some way." Gumball said, earning a scoff from the vampire. "Marshal look... I can tell you're distressed about something. Your face gives it away..." he said, having moved closer so he could talk to him a bit easier, rather than having a few feet between them. Marshal seemed surprised that he said that, though. "... I'm sorry. I shouldn't be here like this... personally I don't know why you decided to invite a monster to an occasion like this anyway." Marshal said, his tone still a bit raspy. "... like I said. I didn't... I wanted to.. but I felt like... like it might only upset you more. Truthfully I hadn't known the guard invited you until today.." Gumball said quietly. Marshal didn't reply for a moment, just thinking over what all he was saying, though the cold mask never left his face. "A vampire has no place in this kingdom.." marshal murmured. "I'm a monster.. it's all I ever will be." He said calmly, almost as if he'd accepted that a long time ago. Gumball didn't reply at first, but after a minute of silence he said ".. well I'd still like to talk to you once everyone is gone... you don't necessarily have to stay. You can leave and come back... but I will need to tell you something that I can't dare to say now." He said calmly before walking off to go join the guests. Some had left since it was no longer of any importance for them to be there. Even so quite a few had stayed to enjoy their time and talk. Marshal watched in silence as the prince joined the others down in the ballroom, staying silent as he sat on the edge of the balcony and mindlessly watched the others talk. He didn't pay attention to really anyone, just following the movements of the pink prince who wandered the floor, apologizing here and there to those who brought up the marriage and what happened. Marshal wondered why he had even came.. originally it was just to confirm for himself that the prince had forgotten and moved on, but now... why did he have any reason to stay..? Marshal's stomach suddenly clenched in a knot and he grunted quietly, wrapping his arms over his stomach as he waited for the pain to subside. Truthfully he was hungry... extremely hungry. Ever since he'd left the castle the last time, he had eaten less and less, not having felt it was necessary, but now that he had some reason come back to him, the pain was killing him. He decided to leave so that he didn't end up hurting anyone within the castle, but planned on coming back just to see why the prince had needed to speak to him. Sometime within the party, Gumball had glanced up at the balcony and noticed that marshal was gone. He hoped that if he did leave, that he would at least come back to talk later. He felt that it was a bit important to speak to him. For now he decided not to dwell on it too much, and continued to talk to the guests. Maybe marshal would actually listen to him once everyone was gone..

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