Chapter 04: Kim's Letter

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Chapter 4

Kim's Letter

            Kim is one of my favorite cousins. I didn't want to hurt her like I did my mom, so I was really scared to read it. But hey, you never know. So this is a letter she wrote me on MySpace. I just copied it and pasted it back here. Anyways, this is the actual letter.

----------------- Original Message -----------------


Date: May 28, 2005 11:49 PM

Hey how are you doing? I checked out your website. Looks have a lot of stuff on there. And I had a question for you. Are you gay? Because it's okay if you are and I won't tell. you REALLY give off the impression that you are... on yourspace. like REALLY!! and that’s cool if you are... ya know... I have a few gay friends. jus to let you know... and was wondering if you are. alright...ttyl! ~Kim

----------------- Original Message -----------------

From: Jay

Date: May 29, 2005 5:34 AM

Yeah, I am. And I just came out too. I told my friends first, and they accepted me. Then I told my mom. and she doesn't want me no more. she said that no one not even Sandra or your mom will allow it. But it’s good to hear you’re ok with it. I need family right now. My friends are always checking by, to make sure I don't do anything crazy, hee hee ... Anyways. Don't be a stranger, k. well got to go, trying to figure out who else will accept it. talk to you later. Jay

----------------- Original Message -----------------

From: *Kim*

Date: May 29, 2005 3:01 PM

whoa!! really!!! whoa!!! ha-ha... wow!!! okay! okay!! that’s cool! hehehe!!... so you told your mom already...I jus seen her yesterday night... I saw baby girl... she's got taller and weighs more now... she was all into Spongebob... lol! I gave her a cookie and she gave me a was so cute! so who else knows? boy? cool...can I tell anyone?

----------------- Original Message -----------------

From: Jay

Date: May 30, 2005 10:48 AM

lol, yeah, if you want. just remember, I'm still Jeremy. not Richard Simmons. I'm gay, but not gay in a way that I act like a girl, and scream, and all that stuff. I'm Jeremy, the one who always jokes and makes ppl laugh, that one. I haven't changed a bit, only have the same interest as you(guys) lol, but not the same problem (that once a month thing), and I'm still trying to tell my brothers too. anyways, thx for understanding. I really need the support too. oh well, talk to you later....-Jay

----------------- Original Message -----------------

From: *Kim*

Date: May 30, 2005 3:01 PM

hey what’s up Jeremy?? so hey I jus talked to my mom on the phone and she said she was over at your mums place last night.. and your mom told her bout you. and my mom said she was very disappointed in the way your mom reacted to you coming out to her. she's like, he's your son... your baby... you should love him unconditionally no matter the situation. and she said your mom felt like she said the wrong things to you and over reacted way too much. so now I guess your mom is looking for you now. I think she's going to try to find you today to apologize for her rude behavior towards you. so you know... I really hope your relationship with your mom is all good again, hopefully this well bring you guys closer? I don’t know? but my mom said she will always love you no matter the terms, and that you'll always be crazy, funny, and silly Jeremy to her. my mom said it wasn't that big of a deal and that sometimes people are jus born like that, and she told my dad...and he was cool with it and was like "oh! okay..." so yea... my family totally understands and we’re there for you... and we still LOVE you okay! so it's not that bad... to us! well good luck on telling whoever... just don't let them get to you okay... it's all good! ya know! your still you! and for those who don't accept you....then it's their loss of friendship not yours... because you kick ass!! lol! okay... better go now... ttyl! buh bye!

            Wow, now that made me so happy. Although my mom didn't look for me quite yet, it just took her about two weeks to finally talk to me.


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