Chapter 05: Two Against One

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Chapter 5

Two Against One

            It's been about twelve days now since I came out. I just got done telling nine of my closest friends. I told my mom and cousins, and out of all those eleven I told, only my mom didn't accept. That was the most heartbreaking.

            But that wasn't all the people I had to tell. I still got the rest of my family like my brothers and my dad to tell. I still have to tell the rest of my friends and my best friends who are like brothers and sisters. I still have to tell my employees at work, my little town. I still got a long ways to go.

            No one told me coming out was going to be this hard! I have all these obstacles to go through, and two of them are my aunt and cousin! Then my family's church! It was going to be a long time before I get this heavy burden off my chest.

            Well, anyways, back to my story. I was at home watching the television (Mythbusters) when I heard the phone rang. I got up and went into the kitchen where the phone was. I looked at the number on the caller I.D. It wasn't a number I recognized. Maybe it was for one of my roommates. So I picked it up and said the usual. "Hello?"

            "Is Jeremy Begay there?" he said.

            "Yeah, speaking." I said back into the receiver. It was a familiar voice.

            "Hey Jeremy, this is Adrian." Oh! It was only my cousin. Wait… why would my cousin call me? He's too busy in Prescott to call me.

            "Oh, hey Adrian, how are you doing?" I said it with a little confused voice trying to act interested.

            "I'm doing great, I just wanted to talk to you and see how you're doing." He said back to me. But then it came to me. My mom always talks to Sandra when she's in trouble. I knew where this conversation was going.

            "Oh really." I said. "About what?" I hope it isn't what I think it is.

            Then he says: "Just wanted to make sure you're going to college and making sure you’re ready. When are you leaving?"

            "I'm leaving at the end of February." I said back. "I'm still here working at KFC, trying to save a little gas money for my trip over there."

            "Oh that's good." He said it like he wasn't interested. "I was wondering, how you are doing?" now he sounded interested. "Is there anything you wanted to talk about, anything in particular?"

            At this point, I had about enough of this. He was trying to sneak in the “gay talk” and try to explain to me that it is against God's rule. I know his kind.

            So I said. "Have you been talking to my mom?"

            "Yeah, actually, I did." Finally some honesty. "She told us that you were having trouble with yourself, and she wanted me to try to help you out."

            "Listen, I don't need help, I'm proud of who I am, and I don't think there is something wrong with me." I said that a little bit too mean.

            "I just want to help you." Heh, yeah right, I said to myself. "The devil gave you a disease and he's making you drift farther from God." Here it comes. I now have a disease from the devil; this was starting to get me mad.

            "I don't have a disease! You're just like those other people who think homosexuality is the devils toy! Just because I have it, you think you have the power to get rid of it." I said that in a harsh way.

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