Saving Konpob, Mr. Busybody(2)

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''........should I not have talked about it? How come we never meet without your being mad at me, P'? '

Kongpob stood hopelessly looking at the door of the dorm building where Arthit had already disappeared. Since coming back from the trip, Kongpob had kept scared that P'Arthit would be more disappointed in him and keep himself far distant from him.

'it would take me forever to get one more step closer to you.'

It was the first heartbroken experience for Kongpob to be terrified of possibly losing someone he didn't dare to touch a finger on easily and someone he truly wanted to know all about.

"Two of us........the parallel lines that never meet each other, P'Arthit."

'You all talk but no action. so childish.'

"there might be no intersection between us."

'This is the last warning. Kongpob. don't try to be a hero.'

"always, no exception.....right, P'?"

'Go away from my face. There is nothing else to talk about'

The stabbing feelings of rejection and hurt swept over Kongpob and he felt his heart scratched here and there by an invisible knife. The more obsessed he became in love with P'Arthit, the more he was driven to despair than ever.

Prae had lost a library book so she tried much to find a replacement. When Aim and he met her at the library, the book had already been two weeks overdue. she seemed terribly panicked. Besides, when they were in the bookstore whose owner told the book had been out of print, she got a urgent call from her parents to come back home as quickly as possible. At that time Prae didn't look stable so Kongpob let Aim take her home first. He himself voluntarily promised her to try his best to find the replacement.


Kongpob would like to explain the whole story to make Arthit more understandable but P' stopped him before he could finish it.

'if she doesn't return the book by tomorrow, she will get punished by a big fine and the one semester suspension of borrowing books as well.'

he called a few more bookstores for checking out if they could get the book. He didn't want to stop his trying, because he totally understood how serious this situation could be to a freshy like her. He thought it could have happened to him.


Arthit dashed back into the room, slamming the door. he lay face down on the bed thinking of how annoying the 0062 had been.

'How come you are always meddling in others' affairs?'

Giving a handkerchief to a crying girl. Getting signatures instead of his friend.

Passing his name tag to the girl whose name he couldn't remember......

Thinking back to, he was a real nuisance.

'As I gave all my heart to you, I need some to replace.'

He stopped Arthit from having the freshies run 54 rounds as punishment by saying only he himself was given the hearts by the missing freshies that hadn't shown up. What a cheesy man with plenty of guts. But deep down, Arthit was relieved, because he knew that running 54 laps could be too hard for the freshies. So it was like Kongpob saved not only his friends but also the hazers including Arthit.

And all of a sudden,

''P'Arthit has been running all day long!'

Arthit felt his heart beating fast so he had to exhale out deeply for a while.

'If you don't stop, I will run with you!'

Still hard to breathe, he lay on his back and slowly sighed again. Soon later unable to lay still, he stretched his arms out to the sides, and looked up at the ceiling.

'Can't freshmen worry about the 3rd year senior?'

To be honest, Arthit felt guilty when Kongpob cried out those words. That night, Kongpob did really seem in pain as if he had run on the track all day long.

'What a busybody.....but.....well......That's the way he is.....,'

It is undeniable that the 0062 is a man with a warm heart willing to help others. Moreover, Kongpob's proved himself more than competent in all ways.

"P'? this is have you been.....Um......."

Arthit sat up on the bed, picked up the cell phone and started making a few calls.

"I was wondering if you have the book titled 'XXXXXX.'"

He kept talking and talking on the phone.

"One of my freshes lost the book borrowed from the library. ye, that kid left it on the bus. it is out of print now. don't have it."

By the time he finished phoning some of his graduating seniors, it was already past 8 pm.

"it is a reference book for.....yes....the professor is still using old ones."

His mouth became dry and his throat was really sore. his cell phone was too hot to hold.

"..........Who....? oh, thank you P'."

To his relief, Arthit finally reached a graduate with the book. Fortunately living near the university, the senior told him to drop by his house at any time. When allowed to visit him in one hour, Arthit sprang up from the bed and said a big 'Thank- you' to him with a bright smile. Though forgetting to have dinner, He was filled with sufficient energy but he couldn't explain where it came from. it was totally unexplainable.

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