Saving Kongpob, Mr. Busybody (end)

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Early in the next morning, Kongpob awaited Arthit around his dorm building but when he saw Arthit after a long wait, he couldn't approach him but stared at Arthit, standing some distance away. P'Arthit's face was totally swollen and he could hardly open his eyes. His disheveled hair almost flopped over his eyes and his dark purple dept. shirt was wrinkled as if he had slept in it. he walked heavily, almost dragging his feet, with his hands in his shirt pockets at waist. Full of worry, Kongpob just followed behind him.


Arthit came to a stop when he heard a high pitched whistle from nowhere. He shook his head to pull himself together and opened his eyes. There was a streetlight pole right in front of him. He stood frozen to the spot awhile.

And he thought back to the moment when he woke up from the nightmare,

He sat on the floor and leaned against the window facing outside, leaving the curtains half open. Relying on the dim light rays coming from the room opposite his, he fixed his gaze down at the gear on his palm, given by Kongpob.

<Please.....let me have you.>

What happened between them was only a spur of moment thing. Kongpob wouldn't be mature enough to control himself both physically and mentally, neither would Arthit.

<Who else knows that your nickname is 'Ai'Oon?>

He stared at the wrinkled bed sheet, damp with his sweat and tears. He felt as if he ran into his unexpected future self. His heart missed its beat in fear for a second.

"I will never allow you to call me by that name. You will never be allowed to."

He had murmured to himself over and over again by the time the room became bathed in light from daybreak little by little.

<Who else knows that P'Arthit likes to drink pink milk?>

He would prevent any possibility from reminding him of that f***k**** moment he didn't want to remember.

'You are the one who laid a curse on me to quit that f**k**g milk.'

He finished sorting out his thoughts at last. He put the gear back in the drawer of his desk and locked it right away.

<Does anyone know you went to cry behind the strands?>

the Sun light completely brightened his room.

'You will never know how much I cried out all damn night.'

When his tears completely dried up, he became more determined than ever. Although he hadn't slept enough, all his senses were keenly alert.

Unfortunately, however,


his physical strength was not so great as his mental's. He had been walking along like a zombie since he left his room for his morning class.

"What the hell am I doing......?"

He brought himself back to the present. He stopped thinking back,  kicking the streetlight pole before him once, and then restarted on his way to the lecture building, his eyes still half closed.


He heard that whistle sound again right before the heavy glass front door which was closed. Without the whistle, he must have crashed against the door. Arthit stepped back from it and looked around to find out where the sound came from. But shortly after observing busy passers-by come and go, he came to realize no one was interested in him. Even one person didn't give him a quick look for a second. So exhausted, he just wanted to return to his room and rest in bed. Then out of the blue, it occurred to him how cozy and comfortable he felt when he slept leaning against Kongpob's shoulder on the way back from the beach trip. Another wave of emotion flowed over him while he was feeling tired and lonely in crowd. 

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