Saving Kongpob, Mr. Busybody(5)

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Kongpob was being surrounded by some girls when Arthit came back down with the book. Across the street from them, Arthit silently observed what was going on. Kongpob didn't recognize Arthit's presence. Since there were no cars passing and no stores open, he could hear what they were talking about.

"You look much better in person than in the photos."

"Can we take pictures with you? I promise not to upload on the internet."

"Why we can't upload?"

"girl, you shut up. anyway, Mr. Campus I like your smile."

"I know you are the first double award- winner for Campus Prince Charming."

The girls were just adorable and active in expressing their feelings to him. If Arthit were him, he would be thrilled to death.

"What brought you here this late at night? Who are you waiting for?"

"One of my friends sent you letters a few times, but she said you hadn't replied her. How come?"

'Wow, Bravo Bro! It's time to applaud for you.'

It was neither new nor surprising to Arthit that Kongpob had been popular with girls. However, he felt something weird to rasp his nerves.

"Do you have a girl friend already?"

Arthit listened attentively not to lose a single word.

"Sorry. I am waiting for my......."

"your girl friend?"


'Okay. So far so good.'

".......then,....your would-be lover?"

One of them boldly asked him. That probably made Kongpob lose for words but soon he opened his mouth to answer.

"......Maybe. If possible."

The girls seemed definitely disappointed with his answer. The Prince Charming said nothing further, but Arthit didn't miss that a half smile came to Kongpob's lips.

"Can I ask if you chose the song for the one you like........?"

Arthit thought back to the night of the contest. Three songs were sung by him and N'Prae. The last song was really romantic because even Arthit was totally absorbed in it.

"...........Could you guys let me be alone please?"

Kongpob looked really tired of being with them, which made Arthit spring into action immediately. He walked straight across the road towards them.

"Excuse me."

".....P'? Now you made it."

Kongpob welcomed Arthit as if he were a lifesaver coming to rescue him.

".......Is there anything I can help you with, ladies?"

In a lower-pitched voice than usual, the fierce leader of hazing team just came back. He slowly stared at one by one with a perfect stern face, folding his arms and lifting one eyebrow. The girls seemed to instinctively feel an air of quiet authority about him.

"No, P'. Sorry, sir."

They apologized to him quickly and stepped backwards, shrugging their shoulders.

"Too late for girls, I can walk you home, one by one."

"No! P', We are leaving now."

"Wait.......No respect here?"

"Good night, P'"

They put their hands together, bowed down to him and immediately ran away. Kongpob's eyes widened and lit up. P'Arthit didn't talk much but his being itself was just too terrific to ignore.

"Damn tired.......start your motorbike and let's get back to school."

As Kongpob sat on the front, taking hold of the handlebars, Arthit settled behind him. Arthit placed the paper bag with the book in it between Kongpob's back and him. And then he just sat still on the bike. Kongpob was looking back at Arthit over his shoulder.

"P'Arthit, You can hold onto my belt.'"

When Arthit finally hold on the both sides of his belt, Kongpob started up the motor and drove it very smoothly. Thanks to his soft driving, Arthit enjoyed the gentle breeze of the night. The silky breeze brushed his cheek and all over his body.


There were no passersby on the both sidewalks, no sign boards lit up, just dim street lights ahead of them. Everything in the street, except a small noise of the bike, was sleeping in peace.


No words needed. Only two of them, riding on the bike, were exploring the beautiful, peaceful night of the town. Being sleepy and tired, Arthit tapped Kongpob on the back with his forehead.

"So sleepy, Kong."

He even forgot to call him 'Kongpob'. While he was still knocking Kongpob's back with his forehead, the tip of his nose also touched Kongpob's. Through them, Arthit felt this young man's heart fluttering. His tensed back also made Arthit satisfied for no reason.

"You can listen to this. P'Arthit."

The motor stopped at the traffic sign even though nobody was there. A peaceful silence visited them again. Kongpob handed a pair of wireless earbuds to Arthit.

"What's this for?"

Kongpob looked back, saying, "let me play it." Tired, Arthit just nodded and placed the wireless earbuds in his ears.

And then, such a soft song started flowing through his ears.

SOTUS: Saving Kongpob, Mr. busybodyWhere stories live. Discover now