Saving Kongpob, Mr. Busybody (6)

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[Trying to look for your feelings that you've hidden inside........]

the motor restarted its smoothy movement. Kongpob drove it as gently as he treated people around him.

[Every time you look at me, I feel there is something.]

Arthit closed his eyes, leading himself back to the day when Kongpob was on the stage, singing this song.

[.........I will try to search it, however hard it is going to be....................................]

That night, he couldn't take his eyes off this young man.

[Please open your heart and let me go inside. I will use my own heart.......... finding what you kept inside.]

Forgetting to keep himself under control, he helplessly lost himself. Watching him singing, he was literally absorbed in whatever Kongpob would hand to him.

[..I needs time........I don't care how long, If you give me your love.]

'You know Kongpob. I shouldn't have been there.'

[..................... I'll be there to hear that word of yours.

.............................................That's what I want, the only thing worth trying.]

'I shouldn't have wondered where your eyes were heading.'

<when we grow up enough to love someone secretly, we use all of our heart to search for love.>

'You know Kongpob. While you were talking like a shining, invincible youth, ironically, I tried to hide my feelings by pressing my lips together, without knowing what my feelings really were.'

The song had been played over and over until their short excursion ended up arriving at school.

"Are you Okay, P'?"

"No. I am not Okay."

Kongpob couldn't move himself at all because P' still leaned his forehead against his back.

"Are you not feeling well, P'?"

Arthit kept holding onto the belt unconsciously, though they had already parked the bike near the library.

"...........I am hungry. that's all."

Arthit tried not to burst into tears with his eyes closed. He was afraid if he cried before Kongpob just then, the meaning of his tears would be absolutely different from that of his on the day of Capture the Flag.


He suddenly felt dizzy and wanted to vomit. Arthit covered his mouth and ran in the corner of the parking lot to throw up but nothing came out. He only kept retching for no reason. A cold sweat appeared on his forehead in a flash. He himself didn't know why he was in pain that much. Everything in him was messed up.

"You know? I am hungry, that's why......."

Kongpob had patted down his back gently until Arthit felt better. Arthit's hair was plastered to the forehead with sweat. Kongpob carefully swept back his wet hair off his forehead. He wiped off Arthit's face with a handkerchief.


The school pharmacy had already closed and the library canteen in the basement closed around this time. Kongpob ran down the stairs frantically, looking down at his watch. He almost tripped over, racing the stairs down two steps or more at a time.

"Excuse me, Sir!"

The canteen was not locked but half of the lights were already off. A middle aged man was sweeping in front of the store.

"Could I buy porridge and a drink?"

"We called it a day already."

He didn't look interested in how desperate Kongpob was. That made Kongpob more impatient. He couldn't get Arthit's pale face out of his mind. He was definitely clutching at straws. He felt like begging the man for help though he might not have any compassion.

"What's going on here?"

At that moment, a lifesaver appeared out of nowhere. It was a middle aged woman who looked generous and warm-hearted just like his mother.

"I need to buy some porridge and a drink, Ma'am"

"...........Oh, I know you, Mr. Campus this year."

"Ma'am, I really need them. please."

"........poor kid. Okay. I'll heat up some porridge for you and a drink? what do you want?"

".........a pink milk please."

"Is that for you, Mr. Campus?"

"No. it's senior."

"...........Oh dear. I see. you need it so badly for your senior."

Her face wrinkled in a huge grin. This warm-hearted woman might have read something on his face. He was just relieved, thinking her smile-wrinkles were really beautiful. He looked at her with a shining smile in return from the bottom of his heart. Soon later He finally left the canteen with a pink milk in one hand and a bag full of food in the other hand. Thanks to her, he also got a stomach relief pill for Arthit.

"I can't thank you enough, Ma'am"

"Don' say that......anyway, Good luck to you with your pink milk, Mr. Campus."

She had put free sandwiches and a free water in the bag besides the porridge with a single-use bowl and spoon. His shining smile must have impressed her very much.

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