Saving Kongpob, Mr. Busybody(7)

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When he came out back to P'Arthit, he was not alone. He was talking with P'Bright. Kongpob hesitated to approach them so kept some distance from the seniors.

"That's why your line was busy. How many seniors did you call for the book?"

"I didn't count them. It doesn't matter to me."

"Wow, he is nothing but trouble."

"He just wanted to help his peer."

As the street lights around the library were not bright enough, Kongpob's view turned a bit blurred. He squinted to see them more clearly.

"..........Hey Arthit. Are you on the side of your 0062 again?"

"At least, he is better than you, bastard."

Kongpob felt his heart palpitating with something enthusiastic and everything around him became more vivid all of a sudden.

"What? I am also ready to help others."

"You are always ready to tease others."

"you know what? you are spoiling your 0062 too much."

He tried to cool himself off and waited to finish their conversation. P'Bright left a few minutes later and P'Arthit sat at a nearby table.


"......What took you so long? Did you help make the food?"

"Sorry for being late...."

"............Is that bag not heavy?"

"No, absolutely not."

"Place it here on the table...."

"Let me set a table. Please wait a minute, P'"

Everything was perfect. He was sitting across the table from Arthit and poured the porridge in the disposable bowl and served it with the spoon. He thanked the kind woman again in his mind for everything she had done for him.

"P'.....this is hot, so be careful."

He also didn't forget P's pink milk. Arthit seemed to turn bright pink while he was sucking the pink milk through a straw. Kongpob couldn't take his eyes off Arthit's lips sucking his milk, super cute as well as manly enough. Looking at Arthit, Kongpob recalled the day when he visited his room with the exactly same food. And then, he came across something that had been missing.

"Wait a minute P'! you'd better take this before eating."

Kongpob took the stomach relief out of the bag quickly and gave it with water to Arthit.

"I am Okay now."

"It helps to protect your stomach. believe me, P'."

Arthit took the pill with water like an obedient teenager. That gave Kongpob much of a relief. As a little bit away from street lights, Kongpob placed his cell phone on the table and turned on the flashlight app for Arthit. The soft moonlight also helped them to enjoy the meal.

"What did you buy for yourself? You also need to eat something."

".........for myself?"

"Yes. Look at your dark circles under your eyes, kid."

Kongpob finally realized why she had given extra food to him. Even at the canteen, he had totally forgot that he also needed something to eat. Kongpob took sandwiches quickly out of the bag with embarrassment and waved them at Arthit.

"Anything to drink?"

"P'.......Stop talking. please just finish your porridge."

Kongpob kept himself silent for the next half an hour. He would help this beautiful human being to finish his meal comfortably. He didn't make any eye contact with Arthit but he was fully aware of being together with his sun across the table. When Arthit finished his porridge, he looked much better than Kongpob had expected.

"P', wipe your lips with a napkin."

".......Yo, Mama, such a nagger."

Kongpob cleared up the table and went to throw away the trash. Arthit was still sitting, drinking the pink milk when Kongpob came back. Kongpob watched Arthit's back for a while, a few steps away from him. At some point he became determined to do something daring. He walked towards Arthit and stand before him.

"Everything is done?"

Arthit was about to stand up, holding his milk. Kongpob took Arthit by his shoulder and seated him again. Kongpob was so nervous that his lips totally dried up. He kept swallowing and breathed hard. Hot and flustered, he even took away Arthit's milk from him and took a suck at it.

"Are you nuts? if you want it, just ask me."

P'Arthit seemed shocked by what had just happened to him. Kongpob instinctively felt there was no more time for hesitation. Kongpob looked down into the eyes of Arthit and asked,

"Who is your 0062."


"Am I your 0062?"


"Am I ?"

Kongpob was watching Arthit avoid his eyes. This beautiful human being also breathed hard, kept blinking his eyes and even strongly bit his lips. Kongpob turned off the flashlight quickly and asked him in the dim light.

"Do you know who I belong to?"

".........what are you talking about."

Kongpob caught Arthit by his shoulder again not to stand up.

"Who is your 0062."

"How can I know I..."

He put his head down and held his sun's face.


he talked thickly, looking into Arthit's eyes.

"Let's confirm it."

He kissed his lips without any hesitation.


I can upload a new one next week.

so this weekend, you can enjoy the story to 7.

Thank you for reading.

See you next week! 

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