Chapter 5

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That moan was exactly what he wanted. I could tell when he smirked against my lips and pulled me closer to him. I tangled my fingers into her perfect curls and gave it a tug. I wanted him. I needed him. My mind was telling me this, but my body was telling me yes. I ran my hands up his shirt and began to pull it off. I slowly pulled away from his lips to look at his perfect, toned, muscular body. He could make any girl weak at her knees.

"Shirt off." He demanded. I nodded and pulled it off, tossing it to the floor.

I got chills as the cold air hit my body, but I just ignored them and watched the smirk grown on his face and the erection grow in his pants. I blushed a bit as his hands went straight to my boobs and began to rub them roughly, earning another moan from me.

"God these are perfect." He mumbled and began to press kisses to each of them.

I just smirked and tangled my fingers in his hair. He grabbed the loops on my jeans and tugged them off quickly. I kicked them across the room and smirked as he just stared, looking me up and down.

Harry'a P.O.V.

Damn this girl was hot. I thought she just had a pretty face. No. She had way more then that. And amazing boobs and  butt that you can't help but want to bend her over. I could cum in my boxers right now by just looking, but I couldn't. That would ruin all the fun. She had a few small tattoos, which was attractive as fuck. I slowly laid her down and kissed on her neck, searching all over for a sweet spot. When I found it, a moan escaped her lips, causing me to smirk even more. It was on right above her collar bone.

"H-Harry." She breathed out as her eyes fluttered shut.

"Hmm?" I hummed against her skin.

All of a sudden, my phone began to ring. I let out a loud groan and went to reach for it, but Hope got to it first. I quickly snatched it from her and growled before answering it. It was some girl. She wanted to fuck. Being the idiot I was, I jumped at the opportunity. Hope must of heard her ask the question because she pushed me off of her and got up. She got dressed and pulled her shoes on.

"Where the hell do you think you're going!?" I yelled at her

"Leaving! You're gonna go fuck another girl!" She yelled right back.

That pissed me off. I got up and grabbed her wrists roughly. She whimpered in pain, but I didn't care right now. I was pissed. She tried and tried to get away, but I just tightened my grip on her.

"Fucking let go!" She yelled and got one hand free, slapping me.

I lost it. That sent me over the edge. I threw her to the ground and slapped her hard, kicking her in the stomach. She groaned loudly in pain and cried hard. I didn't even care. She got up and quickly ran out. By the time I realized it, she was to far gone for me to chase her. I just screamed out loudly and got dressed, leaving and going to the other girls house.

Hope's P.O.V.

I ran down the street, crying hard. I was in so much pain and confused at the same time. It began to pour the rain as I ran and down the street. I wasn't paying attention and bumped into somebody, falling to the ground. I looked up and saw a guy standing there, covered in tattoos and piercings like Harry.

"I-I'm sorry." I said, quickly standing up.

"Are you okay love?" He asked.

His voice was deep. He had shaggy, dark brown hair that was spiked up in the front. He had beautiful blue eyes and perfect white, straight teeth. He had gauges in his ears and a eye brow piercing. He was beautiful. His biceps flexed in his fitted white t-shirt. He was really fit.

"Yeah. I'm fine." I said softly and wiped my tears.

"Here. Let me take you home." He said.

I nodded hesitantly and took his hand as he offered it out to me. He led me to his black BMW M5. It was nice. I got in and sat quietly in the passenger seat as he began to drive.

"What's your name?" He asked sweetly.

"I'm Hope." I said softly. He gave me a smile and nodded.

"I'm Josh." He said softly.

"It's nice to meet you." I said softly and he took me home.

We got out and he walked me up to my door. I slowly opened the door and stepped inside.

"You can come inside." I said softly. He smiled and nodded, coming in with me.

"This is a nice house." He said, looking around. I smiled softly and gave him a small nod.

"Thank you." I said sweetly.

I made my way into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge. I went into the living room and plopped on the couch. He followed and sat next to me. I giggled quietly and grabbed the tv remote. I turned on the telly and sat there, flipping through channels.

"So. How old are you?" Josh asked, smiling at me.

"17" I replied with a smile.

"That's cool. I'm 18." He said. I nodded and smiled.

We sat there talking and laughing for what seemed like ever but was only 2 hours. I found out that he was in a gang, he was an only child, his mum and dad abandoned him when he was only 5, leaving him to live with he drug addicted aunt and uncle. He was put out of their house at 16 and had to figure out a way to live by himself ever since. He went to the same school and was actually in my 7th period class. He was actually really sweet...well...what I saw of him.

Around 10 pm, he said he had to go. We exchanged numbers and he left. I smiled and went upstairs. I hopped into the shower and scrubbed the smell of weed off me. I got out and just went straight to bed. It was Thursday night and I hadn't been to school since Tuesday. I didn't want to go to school either. I laid in bed, texting Josh and we decided we would skip tomorrow and go hang out, which we did. We spent all weekend together. Every moment we could.

Sunday night, Josh and I were laying in my bed, cuddling, laughing, doing completely stupid things together when Harry came through my window.

"What the hell!?" I yelled loudly, quickly sitting up. He was NOT happy. At all.

"What the hell are you doing with him!?" Harry yelled loudly, his eyes black like usual.

"That's none of your damn business!" Josh yelled, standing up.

"I didn't fucking speak to you!" Harry yelled then looked at me. " I called. And texted you so ,amy dam, times and you just.....ignore me for him!?" He yelled. 

"Yeah! I did!" I yelled back.

"Don't talk to her like that!" Josh yelled.

"Oh shut up you fuck! You just want her to piss me off and for sex!" Harry yelled and I looked at Josh.

"Shut up Styles!" Josh yelled.

"No Josh! Tell her the damn truth!" Harry yelled loudly.

"Josh." I whispered.

Before I could say anything, Harry and Josh were on the floor fighting.

"Stop!" I yelled loudly, but they didn't listen.

"I've stabbed you before! I'm not scared to do it again!" Josh yelled.

Harry punched him hard, almost knocking him out on my floor. Josh got up and walked over, pinning me to the wall. He kissed me roughly then slapped me and stormed out. Harry went to run after him, but I stopped him.

"Don't. He's not worth it." I whispered  as tears poured.

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