Chapter 11

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I was right. The whole 45 minute car ride was quiet. I didn't like it. At all. We got to a little airport, it must of been a private one, and got out. He grabbed his clothes from the back of his car and then my suitcase and led me inside and straight to the plane. It was a private jet. We both sat there for about 10 minutes, not saying anything or looking at each other. I let out a sigh and looked at him.

"Harry. Will you please tell me what happened?" I asked softly.....wrong thing to do.

"Listen here you little bitch. I'm keeping you safe and that's all that fucking matters. Got it!?" He spat as he stood up and grabbed my arm, yanking me up as he talked.

"NO! I DON'T GOT IT! YOU'RE GONNA TELL ME WHAT THE HELL WENT ON!" I yelled loudly and he pinned me to the wall.

"Fucking talk to me like that one more time and I swear I'll let you get murdered!" He growled.

"I WILL!" I yelled and cupped his cheeks after freeing my hands and kissing him deeply. He kissed back just as deep and grabbed my hips, pushing my body to the wall completely then his body to mine.

I smirked against his lips and tangled my fingers into his curls. He slowly raised me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He made his way back to the chair he was in and sat down, me straddling his lap. This isn't how I wanted to get him from arguing with me, but oh well. It was working and that's all I was worried about right now.  I deepened the kiss and slowly started grinding against him. I earned a groan from his lips and I slowly pulled away.

"Hey!" He barked.

"We cuddle now and continue when we get where ever we're going." I said sternly and cuddled into his chest.

"Fine." He grumbled as he wrapped his arms around my waist. I nodded and laid my head on his chest, shutting my eyes. He lightly kissed my head and shut his eyes. Within minutes, he was asleep. I could tell because he was snoring softly. It was cute and made me happy that I had this control over him. I let out a sigh and fell asleep also, holding him tightly.

I woke up about 2 hours later and slowly sat up. He groaned and tightened his grip pulling me back down to him.

"Baby." He grumbled. "Baby!" He repeated and quickly opened his eyes then sighed in relief. "Thank god. You're safe." He whispered. I nodded slowly and gently kissed his cheek.

"Yes babe. I'm right here." I whispered and gently kissed his cheek. He just nodded and went back to sleep. I sighed as I cuddled back into him and did the same.

About an hour later, we finally landed. I groaned as Harry woke up and moved under me. I slowly sat up and rubbed my eyes sleepily. I stood up and stretched, as did Harry. He grabbed my hand and led me off the plane. On the landing strip was a Rolls Royce. Harry walked me over and the driver opened the door, allowing us to get in.

"Where are we going?" I asked Harry sleepily when he was in the car.

"You'll see." He grumbled. Great. He was STILL pissed with me.

Once again, it was a quiet ride. But this time, it was an hour and thirty minutes.  I fell asleep about 45 minutes in. When we got there, Harry shook me awake. I got out of the car and looked around. It was beautiful. There was ocean all around us. A huge 3 story mansion about a tan colour. Pillars took up front and there was flowers and trees all around the front. The front doors were large, old style oak with a gloss coating. As we walked inside, the flooring was marble and there was a huge chandler. There was a large stair case and I decided to wonder up it. When I got to the top, I saw several doors. I started walking and looking though them. At the end of the hallway was a large master bed room. It contained a king size bed, that had a light gold duvet on it. There was a fire place on the wall with a large flat screen TV sitting on the mantle. There was a door that I was assuming the washroom, and then another door that must of been the closet. I didn't want to go in it though. On the far side of the room, there were two glass double doors that led out to a balcony and next to that was a small couch a table. I slowly walked onto the soft white carpet and walked out on the balcony. I looked out and saw a pool the the right of me and then right in front of me was the ocean. It was beautiful. There was a light breeze and it sent my hair everywhere.

Harry's P.O.V.

I can up stairs in search of Hope since she had disappeared as soon as we got here. I checked all the bed rooms, the finally the master room. I saw her on the balcony and just stayed there for a few minutes watching her. She looked beautiful right now. The wind was blowing her hair, she was leaning on the railing and every move she made was graceful. I was glad this was the place I brought her. This was just a house my parents bought but never used. I don't even think we've came here as a family before, but I came here all the time. I knew Josh wouldn't find her here. He couldn't hurt her here like he said he was going to. I guess I needed to tell her sorry for being a dick earlier.

I slowly walked out on the balcony and bit my lip. I gently laid my hands on her sides and she slowly leaned into me. So I guess she wasn't mad with me anymore? I just shook it off and wrapped my arms around her waist. She smiled and laid her head on my chest.

"Harry. This is beautiful." She said in her sweet, perfect voice.

"You like it?" I asked softly.

"I love it." She nodded. I smiled and held her protectively.

"Do you wanna go out on the beach? Or explore the house? Or something?" I asked, chuckling a bit. She just smiled widely and pushed me out of the bed room, shutting the door and locking it.

"Babe." I whined and tried to get in.

"Chill out. I won't be long." She giggled.

I groaned and stayed out side the door. A few minutes later, she walked out in a hot pink, push up bikini. My lip automatically went between my teeth.

"holy fuck." I mumbled and she blushed.

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