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Once the curly-haired girl was dismissed from her last class of the day, she walked with one of her classmates named Trevor to the parking lot. As they walked, they talked about their plans for the weekend and the project that was due the following week. It wasn't long before they found themselves at the girl's blue Toyota. She said a quick goodbye to her friend before getting into her car and driving out of the parking lot. Disney music blasted from her radio as she drove home. A smile was plastered on her face as she rolled the windows down and sang at the top of her lungs. She received a few looks from passing drivers, but she simply ignored them and continued with her fun.

Kayleah Greene was one of the most free-spirited people in the world. She lived a very carefree life and reveled in every moment of it. She spent most of her time outdoors, which led her to choose to study environmental science at CSU Long Beach. Most of her family thought her major wasn't the smartest idea, but Kayleah paid no attention to all of the comments they made. She wanted to spend the next four years studying something she enjoyed. The Greene girl didn't only want a successful job after college, she wanted one that she wanted to go to every day.

It wasn't long before Kayleah pulled into the driveway of her two-story suburban home. She hummed the last song that played on the radio as she grabbed her bag and locked up her car. Her smile stayed plastered on her lips as she walked inside. She barely made it three steps into her house when she was greeted by her floppy-eared Border Collie. Laughter filled the room as the Greene girl ran her hand through Lily's fur. After hanging her backpack on the back of one of her dining chairs, Kayleah grabbed a leash and clipped it to her dog's collar. The grin on her face did nothing but grow as she and Lily headed out for their evening walk.

After walking along the paths near her house, Kayleah and Lily arrived at their destination. She opened the gate to the dog park before letting it lock behind her. It was only then that the Greene girl unclipped Lily's leash, allowing the Border Collie to run around the field with the other dogs. Kayleah watched Lily run around for a moment before walking over to a nearby bench. The curly-haired girl sat down with her phone in hand and put on her earbuds to listen to music.

About an hour passed of Lily running around with the other dogs when the calm air around them became an oddly windy day. At first, Kayleah didn't notice the change in weather, too busy listening to her music to be bothered. That was until a strong gust of wind almost knocked her off the bench. Confusion flowed through her veins as the Greene girl pulled out her earbuds and looked around, trying to figure out who or what pushed her. But when nothing seemed out of the ordinary except the strange weather, she returned to her music. The curly-haired girl was about to press play when she spotted something in the distance that made her blood run cold. A large branch was starting to break off a tree near a little boy playing soccer just outside the dog park.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐊𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐒 ✾ 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐧 𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬 ¹Where stories live. Discover now