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Chapter 7The War Begins

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Chapter 7
The War Begins



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Not much time had passed since all the new Chosen were discovered. They trained day and night while continuing to focus on their studies and their personal lives. It surprised Umi that they came so far in such a short amount of time. They were becoming very skilled at what they were selected to do and it wouldn't be long before they mastered their element. Once they all achieved their ultimate goal, they would be an unstoppable force. One that no one, not even the king of Darkness himself, could defeat. To go along with the powers they were gifted by the world's natural spirits, each of the Chosen had a skill that greatly contributed to the team.

In addition to being CPR certified and knowing other forms of basic medical practices, Lauren spent her time learning how to use her new abilities to heal her allies' injuries. It wouldn't be long before she officially became her team's medic. Kayleah loved to go on adventures and study different places around the world, which led to her becoming very skilled at navigating every terrain. Before receiving the gift of electricity, Grace was very skilled at inventing various items, helping her create a few gadgets for the team to use when they go out on missions. Thanks to Matt's time training for his various sports, he has gained enough knowledge to teach everyone various fighting techniques. Marie was always refurbishing cars with her father, resulting in her being able to design motorcycles that will only start when the Chosen with the specified power places their hands on the handlebars.

Once they were able to gain enough power for their abilities to grow, Umi gave each of them a pair of gloves to help control their elements and give them better access to their abilities. In addition to the gloves, the Zerrin woman gifted the new Chosen necklaces with a symbol that represented their power. Even though they didn't know it yet, the jewelry would become very valuable to them in the near future.

It didn't take long for the newest Chosen to form a family bond, which helped them to become an amazing team. They were constantly training to perfect their powers and Umi was very proud of what they accomplished in such a short amount of time. Even though none of them were at their full potential yet, the white-haired woman knew it wouldn't be much longer. Especially if all of them continued to keep up their work ethic and daily training. What really helped the Chosen get to where they were was Lauren's leadership abilities. She earned their respect very quickly and helped each of them with their training while continuing her own. After watching them work for the last month, Umi was certain the elemental spirits chose the best to become the next Chosen Ones and believed without an ounce of doubt that they would accomplish what they were meant to do.

Over the years, Umi had seen many Chosen come and go but she felt a strong connection with only two of the groups she trained. The first group she felt a bond with was a thousand years ago and the very first group that the Zerrin woman led to victory. They were the very first Chosen Ones and the only other group to face the King of Darkness and his minions. The other groups she worked with only had to face mundane challenges that were solved within a matter of weeks and none of them truly appreciated the gifts they received. That was until the most recent group was selected.

Umi felt so connected to these young kids who were training to fight against a being they had no previous knowledge of. They trained harder than any other Chosen the white-haired woman had ever worked with. It was as if they knew their lives would lead to this. However, no matter how hard they trained or how much time they put into learning about their enemy, they were still the youngest Chosen Ones in existence. While the other groups were always in their late thirties or early forties, they were all in their twenties, with Lauren being the oldest at twenty-four. Umi would never admit it aloud but she was terrified for them and of what they had to do in the near future. They had their whole lives ahead of them but it could be put to an end if the battle didn't go their way.

"You don't think we're ready, do you?" a voice said from right next to the white-haired woman, snapping her out of her daze as she looked over at Lauren. Umi just stared at the young girl for a long moment before letting out a quiet sigh and turning her attention back to the rest of the Chosen.

"It's not that at all," the Zerrin woman confessed while the leader of the Chosen continued to watch her with curiosity in her eyes, "I just wish we had more time."

"Do you think we stand a chance?" Lauren asked the question that had been haunting her for the last month, causing Umi to look back at the girl next to her.

The Seer studied the blonde girl in silence while the latter watched her teammates train. It wasn't a secret that Darkness was a frightening and cold-hearted creature with no sense of remorse. He took so much from the mortals and gave so little. All he wanted was power and he didn't care how he earned it. That was why the elemental spirits cast him out centuries ago.

Another moment passed before Umi let out another sigh and opened her mouth to speak. "I think that you were all chosen for a reason. Don't doubt that you were meant to be a hero."

Lauren just stared at the woman next to her before a small smile formed on her face. After watching her teammates train for another moment, the Taylor girl went to join her friends. As she watched them all continue to work toward their goal, Umi couldn't help but think back to the times she encountered Darkness himself. And it was a lot more than it should've been. Despite all the warnings the spirits gave her, Umi tried many times to help Adrien turn the dark power he possessed into something good, something that could help the world...but she always failed.

After what felt like an eternity, Umi pushed the memories that haunted her away and tried to think of a reason as to why Darkness was rising again. Unlike in the past, there were no wars occurring in the world or dictators controlling a country. There weren't even any natural disasters rampaging through the world.

Why is he coming now? Umi thought to herself as she watched the Chosen train, what could possibly be bringing him?

It wasn't long after that when another thought occurred to her, causing her eyes to widen to the size of a planet. Throughout all her years of training and learning about her enemy, there was one thing she was always told by the spirits to watch out for. The only reason Darkness would return without anything negative happening in the world. If this were to happen, Adrien would be stronger than he had ever been before...and the Chosen were far from ready to face him if that were the case.

Before another thought could run through her head, an ear-shattering alarm blasted throughout the room. Everyone immediately stopped what they were doing and looked at the flashing red light. It wasn't long before the Chosen realized what was happening and looked over at her with eyes full of worry and determination. Even though Umi was terrified of what was to come, she knew there was no stopping it.

Darkness had risen and was causing destruction somewhere in the world...and it was up to the Chosen Ones to stop him.


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