Chapter 4 - I Met The Trio

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I screamed like the earth is going to devour me.

"Hahaha, you were scared!" Jack laughed as he shocked me with his scary "boo".

"Very funny, Jackanny Ferdinand!!!" I said in sarcasm saying Jack's full name.

Jack left the room, yet I can still hear his laughter through the walls. He should be brought to the mental hospital. As that moment where I remembered about the story said by the author that J. Linn left his two children, but Jack said just this morning that crazy merchants took away J. Linn's daughter.

That's strange, and I think Jack's hiding something or that this book is making complete lies. Whichever of those is true, I better find out for myself.

I rushed down the wooden stairs and saw Jack talking with three other people. Maybe they are Jack's friends, so I'd better go down and take a look.

"Hello!" I yelled as I saw the people talking to each other.

"Who is this, Jack?" A girl quickly questioned.

"Oh, this is my girlfriend, Lizie, and she'll be staying with me for ... I think ... a couple months." Jack said to his friends like he was a bit unsure.

"Okay, nice to meet you." The girl said. "I'm Sasha, ... Mary Sasha Clovers!!!"

"And I'm Jonathan Nacc, you can just call me Jonie" said a guy next to her.

"And I'm ... uhh ... ummm ... " The other girl said in a shy tone. "... Hannah Dei Monroe, you ... can call me ... Hannah"

"It's very nice to meet you three!!!" I said gladly.

Now, come to think of it, more people come to know me. They can be the author of the book, or maybe some people as mysterious as Jack. I can't tell Jack yet. This might not be the right time to trust other people. Let's try knowing the other three. First, I'll meet Jonie, since he lives the nearest to our house.

[Moments later at Jonie's house]

*knock knock knock*

"Hello?" I shouted.

"Oh, hi again, Lizie, what brings you here?" Jonie opened his house door.

"I need to have a little chat with you, can I come in?" I said in that serious tone.

"Well, of course you can come in." Jonie laughed and gave me way to his lovely house.

"Wow" I spoke through my mouth as I saw his very fantastic house.

Jonie's house was awesome and has really wonderful decorations. For a house in the complete woods, it was really heavenly as the past grows back to life. The walls and ceiling is painted silver and shines like a diamond. His windows are red in color and has very beautiful drapes. His floor shines like gold was a very common and very cheap mineral.

Although it was made by the same so-called wood, the house still seems that God made blessings on it. I wish he was someone part of my family so he could help me with any expense I need. The house is filled with stuff I can't really imagine he has.

There are the Harry Potter Book Series, the chains of the rare Gunlord, videogames from the 1800's, rare high heel shoes from Mrs. Delightful, Darlinglove socks which cost a fortune, and two credits that anyone can use even without permission. I know that's weird, yet it sure is still great.

"So Jonie, what's your story?" I asked him, just to go away from my overreacting about his house lately.

"Well, here's my story ... I think you don't wanna hear it, it's stupid." He said frowning.

"No, it's okay!!!" I said to him so that he'll tell me.

"Well, okay ... here it goes ..." Jonie said with a smile almost coming out.


"Daddy, why are you going?" Little Jonie asked his father.

"This is for you and your little sister." His dad said.

Then, Jonie's dad ran away until Jonie can't see him anymore.

"Bye Dad!" Little Jonie said as he cried softly.

Holding his little sister, he tried to go sit on the couch in his house, but only to find out ...

"It's a bit EMPTY!!!" Little Jonie said. "Dad, never leaves me just like this."

So, Jonie left his little sister with his Dad's friends, named Archie and Lisa, since he can't take care of her.


"So from that day on, I had never seen my father and my little sister anymore." Jonie cried.

"I kept on walking until I saw the town named Archbaker and I saw Louie Nacc and Jessa Nacc, which became my parents and raised mr like I was their own son." Jonie added.

"And, now here I am, I went on with my own life after they passed away because of an accident when I was 20, and got all their land and money. And now as I am 26, I learned to keep own with my own life." Jonie added more and kept on crying.

"I'm sorry, Jonie!" I said also crying a bit.

"No, it's not your fault!" Jonie denied my apology.

I hugged the boy and felt sorry for his story. Then, about five minutes later, ...

"Jonie!" Some people shouted.

"Sasha? Hannah?" Jonie and I were shocked.


Hey guys, Love this chapter? Forever and always I love you guys. Again, nothing to be scared of here. No violence here in this story. Anyways, I really appreciate you all reading this. Well again, you all know what to do.

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And this is "jvc_1019musiclover" signing out...

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