s*t*a*r*s 6 - pt 85

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Oh my god I have a lot of you worried!  Wow!  So I said this to one of the many who asked.  Fate.  Fights. To. Right. Itself.  But whose fate?  Well, mainly here, Jo's fate.  I'm going to give you a hint: Who was Jo in the alternate reality? (Remember, its the same soul for BOTH realities).  Now I"m going to shut up and post an extra chapter because I finished ALL my homework and readings yesterday during out snow storm.  Today I get to write!  All day!  Well, not all day, but close.  So, enjoy the extra posting but don't get used to it... LOL

s*t*a*r*s – 6


In Your Hands

Janet Marie


As the thoughts weigh heavy

The sorrow invades
Wrapping me up tight
Reality is an illusion

Just as the light it dissipates
Where am I to go just to escape another onyx night?

The darkness smolders on – the twilight dying
Slipping into oblivion – destination unknown
Sanity consumed


Never lasting
Desperation seeping in

Its tone familiar

It's the end of the beginning
The beginning of the end
My destiny lies faithfully in your hands

So the daylight is gone

The shivers have set in
Racing to the heart beats that only longs to be warm
The nights I've heard are the worst for some
When pain sweeps relentless the essence of scorn

Now the phone rings afraid of its own echoing
Enveloping the fears of the heart that’s bound
An unfamiliar voice

A call destined not to be
The longing goes on for the voice that owns me

It's the end of the beginning
The beginning of the end
My destiny lies faithfully in your hands

There's nothing in this world I would not give
In my eyes you'll always see that begging flame
For resides mercy in your heart lets our love live
Beyond searing words and crossed swords of blame


When I was to sleep

You were to shelter me

I would drown in your long embrace
In love

Without tears

A kiss without fears
All of my reservation gone without a trace

It's the end of the beginning
The beginning of the end
My destiny lies faithfully in your hands


Whatever happened after the promises
As winter's cold enveloped the summer sun
Will it be returned with the springtime
That promise spoken when we became one

Now it's five am and still the wait consumes
Will I now heed the searing shivers that warn
Brandy breaks

In its glory for now darkness entombed
It is then

And only then

The heart learns of scorn

It's the end of the beginning
The beginning of the end
My destiny lies faithfully in your hands

s*t*a*r*s (Kindred Series-2)Where stories live. Discover now