Chapter 20

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"Do you think Megan is gonna like this surprise?" Nya asked Simone, "well she loves animals and all she does is use her phone 24-7" Simone laughed, "true, but don't we all," Nya thought, looking at her phone. "Brandon better get what I asked him to get her, I want to see her cry with happiness, it's cute." Chloe imagined, "oh my birthday and hers will have to be together, my birthdays the day after," chloe announced, "oh shit it is too," Nya pretended she didn't know, "don't worry we won't forget you," Simone smiled, "thank you." Chloe felt more wanted in this world, "I'll be right back, just gonna go outside to check if the guy is here," she walked outside to find a guy standing there with a truck. She was shocked, "oh shit this guy is hot kms..." Jacob and Johnny were at their friends house so they weren't around. "Um.. hi" Chloe greeted, "sup, are you Chloe, the one who hired me to set up the backyard?" He was acting coolly, "yea, come in," she pointed to the door, he started to bring animals into the house, Nya was staring at him. She was being way to obvious, "hey Nya," he grinned, "how do you... Andrew?" She gasped, "what are you doing here?" Nya looked down awkwardly, "I moved to Arizona because my parents wanted to, I didn't expect you to be here though," he laughed, "yea... well it's nice to see you again," she shooed him outside to set up the fences and place the animals around. "Wow... who is that?" Chloe winked, "Andrew from my old school," she blushed. "Oi Johnny can't know... you can't have feelings for him anymore," Chloe worried, "ik, sorry.." Nya walked upstairs to get out of the way. Andrew had a cheetah cub in his arms, "aw," Chloe smiled a little, "wanna hold him?" Andrew asked, "yes!" She ran up to him and basically snatched the smol bean out of his arms. It started to purr rapidly. "Megan's gonna love this, what else do you have?" Chloe was very interested. "Macaws, eagles, monkeys, a female tiger cub, koalas, possums, just about anything." He admitted, "awesome," she put her thumb up. Just at that moment Megan rang, "hey, Brandon and I are at the aquarium, won't be home till tonight,"
"Ok Megan, have fun," Chloe replied, hanging up and helping Andrew with the rest of the animals. "Brandon better let her keep them all, it's there house," Chloe grinned, "Hunter might be scared of birds, ik Emma and Christine are," Simone had a nervous look on her face. Hunter was in his room taking selfies and complaining almost every time he took one. "Hunter come here!" Simone called to him, he groaned annoyedly and walked down stairs. "Yea!" He stared at the guy standing next to her, "who is this?" His face turned from friendly to mean. "The guy who brought the animals for the surprise party," she rolled her eyes, "anyway are you scared of birds?" Simone was serious, "uh... only if they fly onto me," he looked around warily. A macaw flew onto Simone's shoulder, she jumped in surprise, Hunter shuffled away from her, trying to hide his fear. "It's ok Hunter, it won't hurt you," Simone insisted, grabbed Hunters arm, "don't you dare put that thing near my arm," he warned. "Pat it," Simone demanded, Hunter was unsure. "Ok..." he slowly stroked its back, it felt soft. "See it wasn't that bad," Chloe smirked. "Yea I guess..." Hunter sighed, walking back inside. "Hey, since Megan is my best friends cousin, I will give you 2 animals species to keep." Andrew smiled politely, "aw really? Thank you so much," Nya hugged him friendly. He smiled quietly, grabbing the macaw off Simone's arm. "This one is a scarlet macaw, his names Bob," he announced, the girls glanced at each other, "we will change the name thanks," Chloe was quite disturbed. "Yea that's fine," Andrew was confused, not understanding how bad it sounded. Nya stroked the big parrot confidently, "it's actually cute, I thought I was scared of birds."
Megan and Brandon were having an animal  encounter with a dolphin, "can I have a dolphin?" She joked. "Where would you put a dolphin?" Brandon laughed, hugging her, "you are cute when you act weird," he flirted. "Oh stop it..." she shoved him away, picking up a fish from the bucket, "kiss these fishy lips," she dared. Brandon shook his head, "smd bbyg," he joked, "oh my..." Megan's eyes were big with disturbance. "Boi, your naughty," she grinned, "I can be naughtier," he smirked, "no! stop!" She hissed. She threw a fish at him, it then reflected off his face into the water, "well that's one way of feeding a dolphin," she laughed, Brandon wasn't impressed. "That hurt," he sulked, "shut up, go kiss Kim Kardashian's ass," Megan was getting savage. She threw the last fish into the water and the dolphin did a flip, "show off," Brandon rolled his eyes. "You think your better then me hey?" He challenged, "Brandon chill, it's a fucken dolphin," Megan laughed, he blushed and said nothing. They walked out of the aquarium, Jacob and Johnny approached them with their friend. "Hey Nash!" Brandon hugged him, "wait what?" Megan looked at him, immediately seeing a familiar face. "Cash better be friends again or imma scream," she demanded, unusually not fangirling over seeing Nash Grier. "Uh... that won't happen," Nash frowned. "Yea we better go now," Brandon didn't want things to get ugly, "Megan that was none of your business to say." He scold, "excuse me... I have been a fan for years, I am still a fangirl," Megan was offended, "sorry I just don't want you to get hurt or anything," he always wanted to protect her. "No your right," Megan felt guilty, "sorry Nash! I love your YouTube videos, your snapchat stories, your-"
"Ok that's enough," Brandon was getting jealous. "Now your telling me not to fangirl, unbelievable, she shook her head.

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