Chapter 1: "Ready For Hell?"

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Chapter 1: "Ready For Hell?"

 I remembered my first day of Senior Year. Who wouldn't, right? It's supposed to be the best year of your High school life, not to mention you last. 

Mine was memorable for a different reason.

I had been so completely and utterly shocked by what I had found that I wasn't myself. Instead of taking a stand for the horror before me, I had just sat there, my mouth open in a perfect "O".

Then there had been Hannah. I respected her at the time, because she had been the only one that had gotten her bearings together and stood up to it.

We never saw Hannah after that day. After she had run out crying.


Beep, Beep, Beep.

The constant sound wouldn't shut off no matter what. My hand reached out, finding the sources of the sound, and smacked it. When that didn't work my eyes fluttered open and landed on my alarms clock, minutes passed until finally my mind registered the bold red numbers, which read 7:30.

“OMG I’m late!” I jumped out of bed, knocking over at least half of the stuff on my bedside table.  Running around my room in search of my uniform I located the white t-shirt under the bed, and the bleu skirt on the armchair. I pulled the skirt on while at the same time trying to brush my teeth. Throwing my toothbrush on the counter I forced my head through the white sweater, tied my long brownish/red hair into its trademark ponytail, and ran out of my room with my bleu jacket and bag in hand.

“Why does this always happen to me? BYE MOM!” I screamed running for the door to the outside world.

“STOP!” I hear a stern voice from the kitchen. “ Where do you think your going young lady? You haven’t even eaten your breakfast.”

 “I’ll just grab something on the way mom, I’m late”

 “Like every other morning, and I wouldn’t be doing my job as a mother if I didn’t make sure you left this house well fed. Now sit down and eat your breakfast.” The tall women said. Her brown hair was tied in a tight bun at the nape of her neck, the same green eyes as mine stood out against the dark hair. 

Sitting at the Island of the kitchen, I shove the food down as fast as I could, kissed my mother on the cheek and was out the door, pulling my white flats on and racing out of the house, praying that I would make the bus. I could feel my side starting to ache, just as I notice the bus coming up behind me.

“Fine, a race it is buddy.” I muttered to myself before I somehow forced my feet to push me even faster then they already were, sometimes I wondered if I was even human.

 I reached the bus just as it opened the door, panting like I’d just ran a marathon, which to me seemed a fair comparison considering I’d broken my record.

 “One of these days your gonna miss us Mia.” I turned to the man sitting in the drivers seat.

“Of course not Jules, it only took 3.6 minutes to get here” I smile at the bus driver, “besides I made a promise to myself that I’ll wake up on time this year...starting tomorrow.”

 “Uh huh…”

 I smiled making my way down the bus, plunking myself next to one of my best friends, the only other person I knew that was cruelly denied a car. “Hey, Yamine!”

 She looked up, closing her book at the same time, “Ready for hell?”



"Are you going to open it?" I turned to the source of the voice; Yasmine was looking at me with a nervous look. "We could just go home"

"Definitely NOT!" I said, "I'm not running away." I sighed before stretching my hand and pulling the door open, and my mouth fell open even before I had a chance to completely process what I was seeing. 

The class was in chaos.

The desks were all pushed to the back of the class, chairs thrown all over the place and the girls screaming as they tried to avoid the oncoming of spitballs. The teacher was desperately trying to get the classes attention with some kind of dignity, even while covered in...Was that JELLO?

I couldn't believe my eyes, it was worst than ever. I never thought it could actually get WoRsE!

I stomped into the room, giving HIM the dirtiest looked I could muster. It WAS all his fault, and I had no idea how he got away with it. I headed in HIS direction, stopped grabbed a desk from the pile, and dragged it to the front, picking up a stray chair on the way. Snatching my bag of the floor, I opened my book to study. 

I will not let HIM be the reason I failed Math.

"Sir! I have a question." I screamed over the noise, raising my hand. "I don't get it, what the heck are inequalities?"

He headed in my direction, a worried look on his face as her surveyed the back of the class "Um...Well, there're equations you have to find in the para-"

He stopped, staring at me wide eyed, his mouth falling into a perfect "O".

Why, you may ask?

Because at that moment I felt something wet and gooey hit me in the back of the head.

I didn't even need to see to know what it was.

A spitball.

I felt the anger rise in me, pulsing through me like blood.

I stood up, kicking my chair out, before saying the words that would change my life drastically.



 Authors Note: Very short chapter, but kind of an introduction. Decided to get right into the action because I hate it when books are slow paced. :P Feedback pweeeeease? I did write this last year, so it's old. I actually have 10 chapters, but they need editing so sadly that doesn't necessarily mean quick updates :P

And I have no idea who to have for Ash. I don't want anybody with really short hair. Also they need to have this bad boy look. Help?

Ohgod, this is giving me a heart attack to post!


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