Chapter 11: "There nothing I can do!"

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Sorry for the wait. My life has taken a turn down hill. But I promise I'll keep writing. Oh and this isn't edited. Enjoy :D


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Chapter 11: "There nothing I can do!"

It didn't take my mom long to act like nothing happened. I had been able to convince her Saturday morning that it would be better to at least wait until Monday, because even my mom had to admit that the picture we had wasn't good enough to get him convicted. It seemed without a doubt that the only way to do this was to get one of the girls to press charges. 

Which wasn't going to be easy.

I started Facebook stalking the one girl I was sure was involve. Not in a creepy way, I just wanted to know what kind of girl she was, if there was even a chance in getting her to join our little army. Her name was Amy Gibbons. She was smart, and took her studies seriously, I knew that much already, the whole school did, but she was also popular, and nice. She was always in a group. In every photo she was surrounded with a group of smiling people, her dirty blond hair loose. By the looks of it she was also a perfectionist, but of course most people that are serious about school are. For some reason I found myself dragging the mouse and clicking on "send friends request" even thought I had never talked to this girl, but if she thought I wanted to be friends then she might talk to me. Also most instantly I got a notice that she had accepted and heard the weird sound telling me I had gotten a message


It was written.

Oooookaaaay, now what?



-You're in my French class right?

I was? Oh yeah, I was...

-Mia right?

And she knew my name. I felt weird talking to her. To me she was the girl from the photo, as sad as that was.

-Yeah, wish I could talk but I need to get going, I have to meet a friend.

-Okay. Bii!

Okay she was friendly. I closed my laptop, and headed up to my room. I decided to call Ash, I had told him how it had went with my mom, and after spitting out a few very colorful words, he had agreed with my mom's idea.

He picked up the phone "Speak."

"I'm...friends with her."

"What? Mia? With who?"


"Amy who."

"Amy from the picture, you idiot!"

"Her name is Amy?"

“.... Why am I not amazed you don't even know the name of the girl whose picture you've been showing around?"

"First of all I haven't been showing it around, you have. And second why would I care what her name is."

"You're an assh*le."

"And yet here you are, still talking to me."

I hanged up on him. I didn't even know why. Maybe because somewhere in that sentence there was a dare? I saw my phone flash and Ash’s name on the screen. I purposely ignored him, and it felt good to mess with him. I knew he must be getting mad, and that made me feel happy.

The next morning was as normal as my mornings could get. I rushed around and somehow got to school on time, though my hair, looked like a tornado had passed through. I sat through math class, feeling Ash's gaze burning the back of my head, while at the same time trying to ignore eye contact with Pelletier. 

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