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Ethan's POV

"Uhhh.... Kyle? the turn off for the hospital is back there" I said as I pointed to a road which was now behind us. "Yeah I know." he stated as he kept driving "soooo then where are we going?" I questioned as I watched the other cars pass by "To your parent's house. I think it would be a good idea for you to see them while you are out. It will help you cope" Mike said as he shuffled through some paper work on his lap.

"Fucking hell" I groaned  and leaned my head against the back of the seat sliding down in my seat. I don't want to see them, they didn't tell me about Ashtyn and they stop visiting me after I found out.

We pulled up to the house I spent my teenage years in, it looked the same since the last time I was here months ago. "Ethan!" my mother greeted me in a tight hug as soon as I knocked on the door. "Hey.....mum" I smiled a little not being able to stay angry at that sweet women for long. "I missed you, my poor baby boy" she cried as she invited us all inside where I was met with my father giving me a quick hug before we sat down in the living room. "Grayson should be getting home soon" my mum smiled at me as my dad quickly said goodbye before he went back to work.

"Ethan how are you?" she asked smiling at me. "I-" "you missed out on so much, did you know your aunt got arrested? I felt bad but I was just laughing the whole time. Oh! and that Grayson got a girlfriend!" she said excitedly. "Good for him" I smiled as my mum started up a conversation with Mike and Kyle.

Suddenly the door slammed open and a nod voice filled the house. "WHERE IS HE?!" I turned to see Cameron running full ball in my direction. "ETHANNNNNN!!!!!!!" She shouted jumping onto me making me let out an 'oof' sound as we fell on the floor. "I missed you!" she sang as she pinned me down and kissed all over my face. "ok! ok!"I yell laughing as she gets off me. "We'll be in my room" she says picking up her bags that she dropped at the door. "Oh you boys need to see my garden out the back I just planted ne-" I heard my mum saying as we made our way up the stairs and those three made their way out the back.

I sat down on Cameron's bed and let out a sigh. "Are you ok?" she asked sitting beside me. "Why didn't anyone tell me? why didn't you tell me? I thought we told each other everything." I sighed again as tears dripped onto Cameron's bed. "Ethan? what are you talking about?" she questioned softly. "Ashtyn! why didn't anyone tell me about Ashtyn!?" I yelled before letting out a string of sobs. "What happened with her? did she- did she get a boyfriend?" she questioned moving a little closer to rub my back. "Y-you really don't know?" I asked wiping away the tears. "no" she whispered looking at me for the answer. "Ashtyn..... she...." I broke down again. I'm not strong enough I can't even say it out loud. "Shhhh shhhh its ok E its ok" we sat there for five minutes until I had controlled my breathing and stopped shaking.

"Cancer" I whispered causing Cameron to furrow her eyebrows in confusion. "Ashtyn.... she has cancer" I felt Cameron stiffen, I looked over to see tears falling down her cheeks. "Is it bad?" she whispered holding me tighter. I just nodded knowing I won't be able to get any words out. "They knew, they all knew and didn't tell me" I whispered as she cradled me in her arms.

"I'm so sorry E" she said as she sniffled. "Have you been to see her yet?" I nodded as Cameron smiled at my response. "I'm going back after we're done here" I said causing Cameron to jump up "Can I come with you?" she asked with a bright smile, I simply nodded before I was engulfed in another bone crushing hug.

"Oh I brought donuts!" She yelled excitedly as she started dragging me down the stairs. "Chocolate, strawberry, banana or cinnamon?" She asked as she carried two boxes to the living room. "Oooooo Chocolate!" She laughed before handing me one & getting herself a cinnamon donut. "While I wa-" Cameron was cut off by the door slamming open a fit of giggles and moans filled the room.

We both whipped our heads around to see Grayson making out with a blonde girl as they slowly moved towards the stairs. "HAHMMMM" Cam cleared her throat raising her eyebrow and crossing her arms. "Uhhhh..... hey.... babe why don't you go upstairs? I'll be up in a minute" he said grabbing her ass before she turned towards me and the direction of the stairs.

My eye brows shot up as I recognised the blonde; Layla my first ever girlfriend. I didn't like her that much our relationship was only a distraction from Ashtyn's boyfriend at the time. Only Cam and Gray new that I was dating her. "Is that Layla Martin?!" Cameron screeched after she heard Grayson's door shut. A slight smirk made its way onto my brothers face as he shrugged his shoulders and gave me a blank look. "What the hell are you doing?" I asked, he didn't answer he just continued to give me a blank look. "Well?" "Well shouldn't you be in prison? You did Kill Joshua after all. I have a murderer as a brother" he spat which caused instant tears to brim my eyes.

"GRAYSON!" Cameron shouted. I let the tears fall, not because I was weak but because I was tiered. I'm tiered of pretending to be ok when I'm not, I'm not fine. I don't know how to deal with this. I killed someone that's something I will always have to live with and nothing can take that back. Nothing.

"No Cameron, he's right." I sighed. "You're right Grayson. I am a murderer, I shouldn't be here, I should be rotting in prison like I have been for the past year. I'm sorry I wanted to see Ashtyn, she said herself she doesn't have much time left and I'm sorry that I wanted to spend time with her. I'm sorry!" I fully broke down running out the back to find my mum, Mike and Kyle.

"Ethan? Are you ok?" My mum asked as I ran up to her giving her a hug. "I'm f-fine" I sobbed causing her to pull back and look at me. Her face dropped when she saw my tears and Kyle and Mike had worried looks.

"Honey? What happened?" She questioned as she took me inside with Kyle and Mike following. "N-nothing I'm fine" I said as I sat down next to her at the dining table. "GRAYSON HOW COULD YOU?!?" I heard Cameron yell causing my mum to sigh and get up. "I'll be back" she said as she walked upstairs.

"Ethan are you sure you're ok? We can leave if you want" Kyle said. "Uhhhhhh......" the tears finally stopped but I couldn't think straight. I was hurt, my own brother doesn't love me. Now I know what he really thinks of me and that he doesn't care about me enough to pick a girl that I haven't dated, literally two girls that are off limits to him and he picks one of them.

"Right, what happened?" Mum asked as she sat back down with Cameron, Grayson and Layla joining us. "Nothing" I spoke with my head down and my voice low "No Ethan, it wasn't nothing!" Cameron raised her voice as she glared at Grayson. "Grayson' girlfriend is Layla Martin" she said causing my mum to look at us in confusion "yeah.... I already know her name".

"I know mum. What I mean is she used to date Ethan. Ethan wasn't happy about this and asked Grayson what he was doing with her and......""and thats all that happened. Cameron are you still coming to see Ash?" I asked standing up avoiding Grayson's burning gaze.

"Alright honey, will you be back tomorrow?" My Mum asked as we all made our way to the car "yeah mum" I gave her a hug before Cameron followed me to the car.

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