Ethan's POV
"I love you, i'll be back in a bit" I said kissing her on the cheek. "Wait, Ethan did you take your medication this morning?" "yes mum" I responded. before walking out the door and over to Gray and I's truck.
I opened the glove box and pulled out my pack of antidepressants. I downed six before staring the truck and pulling out of the drive way.
"I missed you so much, I'm sorry I haven't visited in a few weeks." I said placing the fresh flowers on her grave. "I got you daises, your favourite" I smiled as I picked the long grass around her tomb stone, cleaning it up like I do very time I visit. "I'm graduating soon, I wish you were graduating with me." I sat there for hours just like I do every week. I watched as a little girl ran over to a the grave next to Ash's "Hi mommy, I drew you, me and daddy" I teared up as I watched her place it down and a man obviously her father joined her.
My heart broke for them both, I started to tear up. "It's ok mate, you can get through this" the man said to me as his daughter walked over to me. "did your mommy die too?" she asked with a frown on her face. "Abby!" her dad scolded but I just smiled at her. "No- my.... my best friend but she was more than that to me" "did you love her?" the little girl who I now know as Abby asked. "Yeah, I really did"
"Sorry about her" her dad apologised as he took her hand. "It's ok, I'm Ethan by the way". "By Ethan, i'll see you soon" Abby said as she walked away holding her dad's hand.
"I wish we could have children" I whispered. "I wish we could live together." "I wish you were still here" I muttered the last part before standing up. "By Ash, I love you" I whispered before I turned, took one last glance at her grave before walking away.