Ethan's POV"Ethan you have visitors" I slowly made my way to the visitors hall to see my mum, dad, Cameron and Grayson sitting quietly. "Uh Hey" I said sitting down next to Cameron. It was silent, I have a bad feeling about this. "Whats wrong?" no one answered they just continued to fidget and avoid my eye contact. "Please someone just tell me."
"Ashtyn had a rough night" my head shot up as the words left my dads mouth. "What!? is she ok?" It was quiet again, I felt the tears prickle my vision as bad thoughts invaded my mind. "She lost consciousness, she, she was dead but they did CPR. It worked and now she's in intense care, she can barley move or do anything. I'm sorry Ethan but the doctors gave her fifteen days to live and if she doesn't improve her parents are turning off her life support."
I cried, I don't know how long but I cried. I cried while Cameron held me close, while I said goodbye, while I walked back to my cell.
"Ethan, I think you should go see Mike he is free right now" Kyle said, it was the fifth time Kyle had checked up on me. "It won't help" I sobbed clutching my knees tighter to my chest. "I still think you should, there's some drawing supplies in there." He said trying to persuade me which didn't really work. Kyle sighed before walking off past all the other cells which were empty because of everyone besides me being in the day room.
"Ethan let's go to my office" I looked up to see Mike unlocking my cell and sliding the door open. I dragged my feet as I walked jelling my head low and watching as the tears dropped off my nose.
"Sit down, get. Comfortable." Mike said closing the door. "I don't have anyone for another two hours so you can stay in here if you want or you can go back to your cell. I just thought you'd be a bit more comfortable on here on the couch rather than that rock hard bed. Your drawing material is over there, I'll be here if you want to talk but it's completely up to you" he smiled turning around and filling out some paper work that was piled on his desk.
I let all my anger out through drawing, once I attacked the paper it became soothing as I ran the pencil over it. "Oh wow, Ethan!" I lifted my head up to see Mike with a bright smile holding a letter in front of him.
"Yeah?" He just continued to read the document in his hands. "Ethan, read it!" He said excitedly shoving it in my face.
'Ethan Grant Dolan will be granted release one the 30th of January. Parol has been granted and he will meet with his parol officer; Kyle once a week. If any law is broken by Mr Dolan he will return to court where they will sentence him an appropriate amount of time in prison for the offence.
If the rules of the parol agreement are broken he will also return to court. Any questions will be answered by his parol officer.'
My face lit up as I read the document, the 30th is only seventeen days away. I can't wait to get out and see Ash.
Oh god Ashtyn.
"Mike, not than I'm not happy about my release but Ashtyn.... she only has fifteen days to live and and......... if she doesn't improve the doctors are turning off her life support. I-I can't loose her Mike I can't" I cried throwing the document and putting my head in my hands as I sobbed uncontrollably.
"Ethan, I can call the hospital and have them hold off for two or three more days than what they were planning. I'm sorry Ethan but if she dons't get better than you'll only have two days to be with her." He sighed. I got up throwing him a small smile before walking towards the door where a guard was already waiting for me. "Oh and Ethan. I'm sorry but if they can't wait another few days then thats all I can do. I'm sorry" I sighed as I walked out the door following the random guard down the hall and back to my cell where I cried for another few hours.