My life

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Sleepless nights. They are always arguing. They take it out on me. My parents. I'm down in my basement locked in, my parents screaming at me through the door "it's all your fault you bitch!!" "Everything in our lives was perfect until we had you!!"
I just lie there crying in the corner hoping that the floor would just open and swallow me up.
I'll start from the beginning. My name is Skylar. I'm 14 years old I have long golden brown hair. My eyes arnt like any other eyes I've seen they are like a purple colour with flecks of grey and gold. I live with my Mum and Dad in hell. I have depression and anxiety and I have a self harm disorder. It's my escape, It relives all my pain and hurt when I run the blade across my already scarred skin. I get bullied at school and taunted for my scars. I get called ugly and fat and a lot of other names and abuse that drive me to cut.
It's Monday and I get up for another day at school. I quickly do my make up, it helps hide my ugly face. I go downstairs not daring to make eye contact with my parents " don't look up don't look up" I keep telling myself that over and over again. I did it...I looked him in the eye. My father. "What are you looking at bitch?!" I take a deep breath and slowly reply with "nothing dad" he takes a step closer to me. I flinch and close my eyes and suddenly feel a sharp pain across my face. He slapped me. I don't shed a tear. I never let my parents see me cry. "Now get out!"
My father screams at me as I run out the door.
I run to the bottom of the street and fall to my knees and break down in tears. I get my mirror and see that I have a hand print on my face. "Bastard" I whisper to myself. I fumble about in my bag and grab my foundation and put it on to cover up the hand print. I get up and wipe my eyes. I can't let anyone see my emotions. I can't show them how much it hurts to be alive. To go through every day wanting to be dead. Hoping that one day it will all be over. To have freedom and never having anyone to be scared of ever again..

Authors note
Hey guys I hope you like the first chapter. Sorry it's so short but I'm going to try to write at leat one new chapter every week so I hope you enjoy this story and leave a comment if you have any suggestions and constructive criticism is always welcome xx

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