Locked up

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It's been a few days now since I have been locked down in my basement with Luke by my father. At least I'm going to die with someone I like...Luke's asleep. I just lay there motionless hoping for death or something so I don't have to bare another minute down here. I hear my parents upstairs going about there everyday lives, like I don't exist, like I've not been locked down here!
Luke's awake now and he looks really ill.
"Skylar, have we got any water left I'm really thirsty" He stutters
We did have water left about a mouthful though that I was about to drink before Luke woke up.
I sighed and replied  " yeah Luke, here you can have it" he smiles at me and asks me if I'm sure but I don't care if I live or die so I let Luke to drink the water.  He downs it in one mouthful and suddenly we here a loud noise coming from the door of the basement. I shut my eyes and I felt Luke's hand.. He held my hand as HE stormed down the stairs. My father. I move back as my father gets closer to me . He doesn't even look me in the eye. He throws 2 bottles of water at me and some crisps and other bits of food and stormed back upstairs and locked the door. I sit there stunned..Luke looks at me and asks if I'm okay I simply nod. I guess...He does care. We quickly scurried for the water and food. I downed half of my bottle of water and ate a packet of crisps, luke did the same.
Luke looked at me and said "Skylar, why did your father lock us down here?"
"Luke, I honestly don't know.....He just hates me I guess but I have no idea why he brought you down here too?"
We just sit there thinking. How could my father do something like this? Why did he bring Luke down here as well?! He's just a monster who doesn't even deserve to be alive! I sit and think to myself I think I know why my parents hate me....its because of what I did...I did it, it was all my fault and now they hate Me.  I knew it was wrong I knew I shouldn't have done it but I did. THAT'S why I am down here THAT'S why they hate me.

Authors note
Hey guys! Again sorry for the short chapter but what do you think Skylar has done to make her parents hate her so much?? All will be reaveled in the the next chapter! Hope you enjoyed reading 'Alone' and yeah love you all byeeee 😘😘

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