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Uno hummed as she helped Kagura stock the spices.
"Uno," Kagura stated. "That's not the right spice that goes there. The red spices go with the red spices. That's blue."
Uno looked at it. "It is?"
"It's not red?" Uno looked over at him.
"No, it's like my hair. Blue."
"It looks a pinkish-red."
"Are your eyes okay?" Kagura asked. "I think your colors are messed up."
Uno thought about it. "My eyes are fine." She put the spice in the right place this time. "I think I know why."
"Why I confuse my colors," Uno said. "I see colors in negative."
"Like red is a light blue, blonde/yellow is a dark blue," Uno explained. "I learned to live with the odd colors, but I still mess up sometimes."
"I'm going to ask Master about it later. It just confuses me," Kagura said.
Uno nodded. "I promised to help Ritsu today. Bye." She then walked off.


"Ritsu!" Uno called out and walked over.
"Oh, I see that you're finally here," Ritsu said.
"Sorry, I was helping Kagura," Uno explained before grabbing a few tabloids and started to help him sell them.
After they sold all of them, they went to Haru's place and sat at a small table. They were talking about the sells when Haru came over.
"Hello, Ritsu and Uno," Haru said. "Do you two want what you normally get?"
Uno and Ritsu nodded before Haru went to get the food. Ritsu hummed as he started, "So, Uno , what have you been doing lately? You haven't came out for a while."
Uno shrugged. "I was in Edo for the Meiko Salon for a few weeks with Dad. Then, I had a cold and had to stay inside."
Ritsu nodded. "You feeling better?"
Uno nodded. "Yup!"


Uno got back to Meiko Salon and knocked on her father's door, lightly.
"Come in, Uno," Makoto said before Uno walked in to see Kagura.
"Are you asking him about my eyes?" Uno asked him.
Kagura nodded at his niece. Yes, niece. Her mother, who is deceased/disappeared after Uno was born, is Kagura's older sister.
"Knew it," Uno said as sat by her father, which had an unspoken rule that that peace is her seat.
"Have your eyes always been like that?" Kagura asked.
Uno nodded softly. "Yes, my eyes have always been like this. That's why I saw so colored confused as a child."
Kagura nodded before bowing and leaving. Uno laid down and placed her head in her father's lap.
"What color is your kimono?" Uno asked.
"Purple, mostly. What does it seem like to you?" Makoto asked.
"A shade of green," Uno said, not knowing how to explain the color of green. She yawns softly. "Do you still have that futon in here?"
"The corner, beside the the shelves. Going to take a nap?" Makoto looked over.
Uno nodded as she stood up and grabbed the futon and put it on the ground. She laid in it and fell asleep, quickly.
Makoto smiled softly at his sleeping daughter and kissed her forehead. "Sleep tight."


   "Uno!" Uno looked to see Rei and Aoi coming over. Rei threw her arms around her.
   "Hey, Rei. Hey, Aoi," Uno said as she was trying to stop her hairpin from falling out. Aoi fixed it for her. "Thanks."
   Rei pulled back from Uno. "Hey, Uno, guess what?!"
   Uno blinked and tilted her head. "Yes?"
   "You're going to be the first here to hear this. Aoi and I are expecting!" Rei squealed out.
   Uno smiled at them. "Congratulations, you too!" Uno then started rubbing her temple.
   "Are you okay?" Aoi asked.
   "I have a headache, that's all. It'll go away soon," Uno mumbled.
   Rei and Aoi then walked away to meet up the rest of the vigilantes. Uno walked to the tree on the hills, right behind Nagasaki. At the tree, she ran into someone.
   "I'm sorry," the girl said before the other person could say anything and went to the tree to try to get that headache to go away.

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