|His girl ♥|

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"Hey (y/n),would you come here for a second? Oh,and alone please?" Asked Pansy Parkinson.

You rolled your eyes then looked towards Hermione.She gave a you disapproving look as if to stop you from going.

"I got this." You mouthed as you collected your belongings then followed Pansy out of the library.

You,Pansy and her squad stopped at a deserted hallway which is pretty far from library.

"So I think you know why I called you." Said Pansy.

You rolled your eyes.This kind of situation has happened so many times,so you don't feel so scared about it anymore.On the other hand,you find it pretty amusing.

"Yep,you probably think that I'm in love with Malfoy and that you find it annoying that he glances at me sometimes and you're angry that he doesn't even care about y-"

"STOP!!!" She shouted,pulling her wand out.

"Doesn't someone teach you about manners Pansy? Don't intterupt please?I'm not finished." You raised one eyebrow up then continued,"Last week you called me about how I've been talking too much to Malfoy and how I've been trying to get close to him by walking pass him at the hallways-"

"I SAID STOP!!" Pansy shouted with rage.Her face now red as a fire truck.

You chuckled,"Girl,you really have to do something about your manners."

"Malfoy cares about me! He loves me! He gave me flowers,gave me these love messages candy wrappers too! You don't even stand a chance with him!!!"

"Okay,but let me tell you something. A boy giving you candy wrappers isn't love.Maybe he doesn't want to throw it away on the school hallways so he left it with you instead? You're literally his trash can Pansy."

"He wants to give it to me (y/n). Hah,now you're jealous." scoffed Pansy.

"Oh puh-lease! Me? Jealous? Yeah, I am sooo jealous of you and Malfoy!" You said sarcastically."Satisfied? Can I leave now?"

Now Pansy looked more angrier than ever.You swear you could see smokes puffing out of her ears.The girls beside her are now backing away,scared of what's going to happen next.

Suddenly Pansy shouted something at you,swinging her wand with fury.Just when you're going to get your wand,you heard a loud voice shouting back at Pansy from behind you.

"Finite Incantatem!"

Pansy's face was now as white as a sheet of paper.Her mouth gaping as she looked at you or maybe the person behind you.

You turned around,looking at the reason of all this torturing problems.

"Good afternoon,Malfoy."

"Good afternoon (y/n)." He said,smirking.

Malfoy lowered his wand then put it back into his robes.He turned towards Pansy,sending her a harsh glare.

"M-Malfoy,she tried to attack me! I-I was just going to protect myself!" Pansy stuttered,panick all over her white face.

"I see,I'll take care of her then.You should go back to the common room." Replied Draco,smiling.

Pansy hurried out of the hallways with her friends.She also gave you a mischievous look when she passed.When the sound of the footsteps had dissapeared,you turned towards Draco,grinning.

"I'm just protecting myself! Huh?" You imitated Pansy's voice.

"You could have just told her,love." He said,brushing a strand of your hair from your face. "That we're dating."

"Let's keep it a secret for now." You said,patting his white cheeks."It's pretty fun.One sided love eh? Pansy and you.Too bad,but she has to find someone else." You shrugged.

"I really love that sassy attitude of yours." He whispered,leaning in for a kiss.

A/N: Thank you so much for reading the first chapter of this book! I hope you like it! Votes and comments please?ヾ(@^∇^@)ノI do take requests if anyone wants me to write something haha Buh-Bye! <3

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A/N: Thank you so much for reading the first chapter of this book! I hope you like it! Votes and comments please?ヾ(@^∇^@)ノ
I do take requests if anyone wants me to write something haha
Buh-Bye! <3

A/N: Thank you so much for reading the first chapter of this book! I hope you like it! Votes and comments please?ヾ(@^∇^@)ノI do take requests if anyone wants me to write something haha Buh-Bye! <3

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