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You are lying on your bed,a blanket wrapping your body to keep you nice and warm. It's Saturday today and since you have nothing to do,you decided to just Netflix and chill.

"This is paradise...Netflix,blanket,food and of course,babe,my tablet!" You chirped happily.

Draco cleared his throat impatiently,"Isn't 'babe' supposed to be me?"

You did an 'oh' face,"Sorry, I forgot you were there,Draco. My baby's aura is just too powerful." You poke at your brand new tablet happily.

He rolled his eyes then yanked the blanket away from you,making you roll down from the bed onto the cold hard floor.

"Ow! What's that for?!" You yelled as you rubbed your red cheeks.

"Heh,Nothing,just feel like doing it. You kinda deserved it (y/n)." He smirked.

"Seriously? I might have a bruise." You complained,getting back onto the bed.


"What is wrong with you,Draco. Can't I just watch Netflix in peace?" You asked.

"Of course,Netflix is a lot more important than me,I know."

You raise an eyebrow,thinking.

Ohhh,he just want to watch Netflix with me! Why can't I figure that out?!

"I should have known darling.Well,come on in.I got another blanket for you to snuggle in." You raised your wand then cast a spell,making a blanket appear. "Now,we can watch Netflix together! Awesome!"

Draco did his usual grumpy face but took the blanket and snuggled beside you anyways.

"I never said that I wanted to watch this Netflix thing with you but whatever" Said Draco.

You shrugged then start scrolling through the list of shows.

"Merlin's beard! The new episode of (favorite show) is out!! We're watching this!" You quickly pressed the show icon without hesitation.

"Great,40 minutes of pain and agony." Muttered Draco.

--40 minutes later--
"Wow,that is AMAZING!" You squealed happily. Let's just say that 40 minutes was just awesome.

"Do you like it,Draco?" You asked,hoping for a good response.

"Not really,it reminds me of Potter." Draco answered,adding an extra hardness on the word 'Potter'.

You rolled your eyes,"Really,Draco? You're still on about Potter?"

You shook your head then start tapping on th tablet again. Just when you're going to tap on the icon,Draco put his hands on the tablet and pressed it down.

"Um..dude?" You raised an eyebrow,giving him a look.

"No more Netflix,let's do something else." Said Draco,smirking.

You can feel the heat on your cheeks immediately. He gently put his arms around you then start pulling you in slowly.

"W-wait,do something else?! I'm not ready,Draco! At least wait until we're married!" You start wiggling in his arms,your cheeks burning.

"Ready for what? I can't hug you now?" He slowly pulled his arms back,looking confused.

Oh,he meant hugging?! Silly me!

You quickly pulled back his arms and wrap it around you once again.

"Sorry, I thought you know,we're doing something else. Like a very over thinking something else."

"What a mind you have,darling." He grinned.

"It's your fault,Draco.You didn't say exactly what we're going to do!" You said,hitting his arm lightly.

He laughed at your reaction then leaned in to kiss your forehead gently.

"Want to watch another episode?" You asked,looking around for your tablet.

"No,just sleep (y/n)." Said Draco,patting your back.

You shrugged,"Fine."

"I love you." Mumbled Draco,drifting off.

"Back at you,love."

A/N: Anyone wants to reccomend a good show? Just comment below! I'd love to watch some fluffy romance movies (●'∀`●) Check out my other imagines too if you'd like

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A/N: Anyone wants to reccomend a good show? Just comment below! I'd love to watch some fluffy romance movies (●'∀`●)
Check out my other imagines too if you'd like.
Thank you for reading and see you on the next chapter!
Bye guys!

Thank you for reading and see you on the next chapter! Bye guys!

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