|Just work.|

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"I expect to see your essays on the table this Friday. Well,good day everyone." Says Professor McGonagall sternly.The assignment she gave was to be done in pairs and because of your luckiness,you have been paired with Malfoy. The prince of Slytherin.

Seriously, why does it have to be Malfoy?

You groaned at the thought of seeing the blondie but the thought quickly stopped because he's standing right there in front of you.

"I'll see you at the library then." Says Malfoy.

You nodded then watched him walked out the classroom.

"Good luck with that (y/n). You're quite unlucky today,don't you?" (f/n) patted your back,a big grin on her face.

"NOT HELPING!" You shouted at her.

Your friend then laughed and walked out the classroom without you.

Let it go (y/n). You'll be fine!

---After having dinner with your besties,you quickly head to the library hoping to get a headstart on the essay

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After having dinner with your besties,you quickly head to the library hoping to get a headstart on the essay.

You walked into the library,looking for a good seat. The seats at the front are full with the ravenclaws so you have to walk further in. As you walked past one of the tables,something caught your eye. Something yellow and green.

"How could you be here before me,Malfoy?"

You could feel all of your hopes shattered into tiny pieces. Now you'll have to spend more time with him and this essay for who knows how long?

He just shrugged then gestured his hands towards the seat opposite him.
You put your bag onto the table then sit.

"So...uh let's do this."

You place the book beside the paper you're working on then started writing. All you can hear now is the scribbling sound of the quill,but for some reason you can only hear the sound of your quill moving. You looked up to see Malfoy staring at you. Your eyes locked with his silver orbs.

"Uh...do you need a quill or something? And where's your book?" You asked.

"In my bag." Answered,Malfoy.His face still expressionless.

"Well,use it!!"

"But you can just finish it. I know you can do it alone." Says Malfoy.

"But we're suppose to do it together." You hissed.

"That way it'll be done faster."

"That's exactly what I want.I mean,we want right?"

"No,I prefer the opposite." Answered Malfoy.

You raised an eyebrow,"Why?"

"I'd like to be with you."

"Have you gone nuts?! Seriously,just finish the work." You quickly hand him another quill and pushed the book towards him.

Draco Malfoy has officially gone nuts!! Man,I really want to leave...

You quickly looked down at your paper,writing whatever that comes into your mind.

"(y/n)?" You could hear him calling you softly.

"Y-yes?" You replied,your eyes still on the paper.

"I'll do the work." Says Malfoy.

You nodded slowly,"that's uh good...ver--"

"On one condition." He interuppted.

You looked up from the paper,"Okay...and what's that?"

"Go on a date with me.That's all I want...for now."

"Hmm...no." You said with a harsh voice then continued,"Plus,I can handle this myself." You pointed at the paper.

You can see his lips curving upwards.It's his usual creepy smirk that everyone is scared of ,but not you. You decided to just ignore it and continue with your work.
Suddenly a shot of red light landed right on the paper making it burn into a piece of black crisps.

"Looks like we have to start again." Says Malfoy,smiling. "Maybe you should reconsider what I asked earlier,(y/n)?"

"HOW DARE YOU,MALFOY?!!!" You shouted, your face filled with anger.

He shrugged then leaned back onto the chair,smirking. He then point towards the students and the librarian who is glaring at you.

"Shut up." She mouthed.

You quickly apologize then turn back to Malfoy.

"Okay,fine. A date with you,I'll do it." You rolled your eyes.

"Good choice,love."

"Don't you dare use 'love' with me,Malfoy." You sent him a harsh glare.

"But I love you! And oh,please call me 'Draco' okay,love?


"SHUT UP BOTH OF YOU!!!" Shouted the librarian.

I really hate him!!

A/N: I'm so sorry it took so long to update! And wow,look at that votes and comments! Thank you so so much! It might take some time to update from now on since I'm working on like 3 more new imagines!!
Here are the list of the new imagines I'm working on:
-The flash (Barry Allen)
-Yuri on ice (Probably Yuri and Victor)
-Touken Ranbu
Anyone watches these shows? They're awesome!
Anyways I'll see you on the next chapter ヽ(*⌒∇⌒*)ノ

A/N: I'm so sorry it took so long to update! And wow,look at that votes and comments! Thank you so so much! It might take some time to update from now on since I'm working on like 3 more new imagines!!Here are the list of the new imagines I'm work...

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