|Meeting Scorpius|

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It's almost the O.W.L. exams.Everyone seems to be very busy since you hardly see anyone messing around or even looking happy. The tension is very high here.

"Better head back to the dorm and start revising." You said to yourself as you pick up the books and papers.

You slowly walk across the field,trying not to drop any books or papers.You can feel the eyes of other students looking at you as well. Carrying 10 thick books must look pretty eye catching huh?

"Hey,be careful! There's a--"



You fell face first onto the ground.You can taste a bit of dirt in your mouth along with something wet dripping from your nose.

"A-Are you okay?!" Asked a boy who rushed to help you up.His eyes widened the moment he saw your face. "Of course,you're not okay. Don't worry,I'll get you to Madam Promfrey."

"T-thank you." You managed to reply as he slowly helped you up.

You slowly turned sideways to take a look at the boy,trying not to make it too obvious. He has this beautiful bright blonde hair,captivating grey orbs and white pale skin. He's pretty cute to be honest.

"Take this." Says the boy,handing you a handkerchief. "To wipe the blood."

You smiled then took the handkerchief from his hand. "Thanks again uh..."

What's his name?

He seems to get your question,making him answer immediately. "It's Scorpius...Scorpius Malfoy.You?"

"(Y/n) (L/n)."

"Well (y/n),I better get you to the infirmary before you collapse. You look pretty messed up." He chuckled as he brush some dirt off your cheeks. "It'll ruin your skin.Don't forget to wash your face okay?"

You blushed at his actions.Your cheeks turning pinkish.

"Yep,will do."


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A/N: I know it's short,it's weird and probably sucks but anyways!! I just want to update something and this is it 👌 There'll be more so please wait😂
Thank you so much guys ily💕
Bye biiii 👋

A/N: I know it's short,it's weird and probably sucks but anyways!! I just want to update something and this is it 👌 There'll be more so please wait😂Thank you so much guys ily💕Bye biiii 👋

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2017 ⏰

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