|Treat you better|

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You are sitting in the abandoned girls bathroom crying your heart out.You get up and walked into one of the stalls and tossed all the make-up equipments into the toilet bowl.

"I don't need this anymore!" You shouted,throwing the lipstick into the toilet bowl.

This morning,your boyfriend (well,he's your ex now.) has decided to break up with you.

"(Y/n),I think we should break up." Said your boyfriend,looking towards you.

You rolled your eyes,"Stop with the jokes (ex/n). I'm trying to remember the spells!"

"I'm not joking (y/n)." He said with a serious tone.

Your eyes widened as you turn to face him properly,"Excuse me,what?"

"Look,I don't think we're meant to be."

"What are you saying? We were going together just fine! Did I do something to upset you?"

Even though you said that,you can't really think of a reason to upset him.You've been acting as a really good girlfriend.Giving him proper spaces,not clinging to him all the time.Put on make-up,just because he wants you to look beautiful all the time.You never really yell at him or had a serious fight with him either.

"Well,you're boring (y/n). You're plain and all that.Not very interesting if you ask me."

You face is now red,your brows furrowed,"Oh really? I did everything you wanted me to.Even though I hated doing it and this is how you treat me?!"

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