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Dear Autumn,

I'm sorry I didn't write to you yesterday. I was busy hanging out with friends late, and came up very tired after a long day.

I had so much fun on my college visit, Autumn. All the buildings and the whole campus was gorgeous in itself, but then given a healthy dose of you it shimmered and sparkled with autumnal beauty. I think I really want to go there, Autumn, and my parents are excited about it too and support me in my decision. The school is known as a writing university and all their programs sound amazing and right up my alley. And not to mention the city is super cool and has so much to do, which is lovely compared to my hometown with its three bars, one church, and a gas station.

I'm writing this letter in the bath, using a bath bomb called "Autumn Leaves". It smells like you. My bath is painted deep orange and it's warm like your sister Summer. I feel so relaxed.

Only two days left, Autumn. I'll miss writing to you.

Letters To Autumn (2016)Where stories live. Discover now