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Dear Autumn,

Sitting down to write my second to last letter makes me realize how sad I am that I missed a few letters this year. I should have taken every opportunity to write to you. I'm going to miss it. Next year feels so far away, but I know it will be here again soon enough.

It feels like time goes by so quickly the older we get. Our hands get weaker and we can't hold on to time anymore. We're going to forget things, Autumn. I had such a lovely day today, and I don't want to forget it. But I know I will. Maybe that's why we write, why we take pictures. Proof of memories we won't remember someday. We snap photos in the hope that when our skin is wrinkled and tired we can look at the smiles we once wore and everything about who we used to be will come flooding back. I take so many pictures, and I think that's why. I don't want to forget anything.

At least by writing letters to you my Octobers are safe with you, Autumn. Keep them comfortable for me. 

Letters To Autumn (2016)Where stories live. Discover now