Dear Autumn,
I think I need to accept that not every day will be good. Not every week will be perfect. My brain might be moving along fine, dancing through life to quote Wicked, and then crash out of nowhere. It sucks, but it's okay. Mental health has its highs and lows the same way physical health does. Whenever that happens, it's not my fault, and I just need to take care of myself and hang in there until the bad feeling in my stomach and the fuzziness and negativity building a nest in my head fly away. And they will fly away. Just maybe not tonight.
Autumn, you were glorious today. On the bus ride to school, oceans of fog rolled across the fields and it was all so deliciously spooky and wonderful. And then during gym I could see all the trees surrounding the school, decked out in orange and red and yellow. My friend and I talked about how gorgeous you make the trees look, Autumn. How gorgeous you are.
Have a good night, Autumn. I can't wait to see more of you tomorrow.
Letters To Autumn (2016)
De TodoA series of letters to the lovely season Autumn, inspired by Carrie Hope Fletcher's "Letters To Autumn".