The Start Of A New Journey

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Alright, just a quick thing before this chapter starts, most of the book will be in Serena's POV. This chapter will only have Serena talking to her Pokemon (Lies). Thanks and enjoy!

   As Serena rushed out of the airport, she immediately looked towards the sky. "Wow, it's so beautiful in Hoenn. Everyone, come on out" She released all her Pokemon from their Pokéballs. "We finally made it!" Serena said to her Pokemon, who made their respective cries. "We are going to start our new adventure, together, starting now."
Braixen- "Braix"
Sylveon- "Syl-Sylveon"
Pancham- "Pancham Pancham"
"Where should we go first?" Serena says, looking at her map. "Oh no! My map doesn't have the whole Hoenn region in it! Now what do we do?"
"You should go to the Professor"
"What? Thanks for helping, who are you?"
"I'm Adam, I love helping people and Pokémon"
"Well, it's nice to meet you Adam. What are the directions to the Professor, may I ask?"
"Well, it's kinda long from the airport, but I can show you."
"Really? Thank you so much"


Serena and Adam are making their way through the woods to the Professor's Lab.
"So, What's your name?"
"Wait, I haven't told you yet?!? I'm sorry, my names Serena"
"Ahh, Serena. So, why'd you come to Hoenn?"
"I wanted to participate in the Pokémon Contests. I came from the Kalos region"
"Wow. I've never seen someone so dedicated to something like that before"
"What do you mean?"
"Well, I've never seen someone leave their home region just to follow their dream."
"Really? Wow. What's you dream?"
"Oh, my dream, I want to be a Pokémon Master"
   "Wait, really? Your goal is the same of someone's who is very special to me."
   "Really, what's his name?"
   "Ash... Ash Ketchum"
   "Hmm, hopefully one day I can battle him"
   "Yeah, what town is the professor's lab in?"
   "Oh, it's in Little Root Town"
   "Little Root Town?"
   "Yeah, the professor lives there also."
   "Ahh, how far away are we?"
   "We're almost there"
   "Oh thank goodness. I'm getting tired"
Serena and Adam walk the next 20 minutes in silence.
   Serena starts talking to herself "I can't wait to set off on a new journey. I wonder how Ash, Clemont and Bonnie are doing. I hope they are all fine."
"Hey Serena, it's starting to get dark out. Do you want to camp out or make a mad dash to Little Root Town?"
"I say we run. Let's go"
"Got it"
They start sprinting into the direction of Little Root Town and finally make it there.
"There it is, we're almost th... Adam? Where are you?"
"I'm all the way back here. I should've told you I can't run"
"Oh, sorry for going so fast"
"It's ok, let's go in"
They enter the Professor's Lab
"Hello?... Professor?"
"Oh Hello, who are you?"
"My name is Serena. I came here to update my map."
"Oh, no problem. Is that... Adam?!"
"Oh uh... Yes it's me Professor." Adam says
"Did you get my supplies like I asked?"
"Yes I did, they're right here"
Adam hands Professor Birch a cardboard box
"Thanks, this will speed up the process."
Serena jumps in "Wait... How do you know Adam so well?"
"He is my assistant. He helps me with my research."
"Really? I guess that explains everything."
"Please sit and stay awhile. It will take a while for your map to finish updating"
"Ok. I have a question Professor... Birch, is that right?"
"Yes that's right. What's your question?"
"Do you happen to know an Ash Ketchum?"
"Yes I do, How do you know him?"
"We met at summer camp awhile back, and we met up in Kalos and went on a journey together."
"Really? Fascinating. Why did you come to the Hoenn region, Serena?"
"I came to perform in the Pokémon Contests that are held here."
"Ahh, well I hope you do well."
Adam walks into the lab in a hurry with a worried face
"Professor, they're back."
"Oh no. Serena, stay here. It's too dangerous."
"Why? what happened?"
"There is no time to explain. Let's go Adam!"
Professor Birch and Adam run out of the lab, Serena following far behind.
This Part is gonna be written a little differently because there are more people.
Birch- "What is all this about. Why are you back?"
Adam- "Yeah, why did you return?"
Magma Grunt- "Don't interrupt us old man. You don't want to mess with us"
Aqua Grunt- "We may be enemies, but that doesn't mean we can't work together."
Birch-" What are you going to do?"
Magma & Aqua Grunt- "Go, Zigzagoon! Use Scratch"
Serena- "Braixen, use Flamethrower. Sylveon, use Fairy Wind.
A giant gray cloud of dust appeared. Once it disappeared, the Grunts were gone.
Birch- "Thank you so much, Serena."
Serena- "No problem."
Birch- "Lets head back to the lab, ok?"
Serena- "Yes, that fine with me."
Serena, Professor Birch, and Adam walk back into the Lab.
Birch- "Would you take a look at that. Your map is already finished updating."
Serena- "Really? That went by fast."
Adam- "Yes it did. Serena, now that you have your map, where are you going to go next?"
Serena- "I didn't think of that, yet."
Adam- " You should go to Fallarbor Town. They hold contests there."
Serena- "I will. Thanks for the suggestion. Well I'm o... (random noise of rustling). What was that?"
Birch- " That was a Pokémon. He hiding somewhere in here. Hey... just for saving us back there, I think I'll give you him."
Serena- "REALLY!?! Thank you so much"
Birch- "There he is. Come on out..."
???- "Swa?"

Thank you all for reading. This is the first chapter of many. Please tell me if you like the first style of conversation better then the second one. Or the other way around. Also, take some guesses on what Pokémon Serena is going to get. I won't say if you are right or not. Most of my chapters won't be over 900 Words. If I'm undecided on how many words to right, I'll post a poll on my Twitter. My Twitter is NickyD0129. I will be throwing a lot of curveballs in the story (Hint Hint) and I already thought ahead by a lot. I hope you all enjoyed. The next chapter might be up next week, if I remember to do it.

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