Arrival At Fallarbor Town

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Once again, I'm extremely sorry about that huge break. I don't know why but I lost all motivation to write. Hopefully it won't happen again... So, on with the chapter.

"We're finally here!" I stop to catch my breath, staring at the sunset. "What perfect timing, am I right?" I look over to my left and I see a huge building with a gold logo on it. That must be where I register for my first contest. I walk over to the building and enter, but something catches my eye. As I enter, a girl with purple hair exits and glares at me. She was really pretty and it seems like she is popular as well. I guess that makes us rivals. I walk to the main desk and I see someone who looks like Nurse Joy.
Joy- "Hi, how may I help you?" She asked me
"Hi, I'd like to sign up for the contest that is being held in a week."
Joy- "Ok, no problem. Just place your pokedex here... and... Alright! You're all signed up! Good luck!"
"Thanks!" I say back. I wonder if she is that excited for everyone that signs up. Anyway, I have one week until the contest, so I should use that time for practicing.
There are two Team Delta members standing far away, having a conversation.
Hey, aren't they Team Delta? I should try to listen to what they are saying.
Grunt 1- "... the world will scream... and Team Delta will... Its a perfect plan!"
Grunt 2- "Yes, I agree. Have the ... will surely call down... conquer the world!"
"Conquer the world? I shouldn't worry to much about them. They seem like a bunch of nobodies." I walk away from the Team Delta members and all of a sudden I hear someone shout my name. I turn around and it's the girl with purple hair.
"Yes? Who are you?"
"It doesn't matter right now. I need to ask you a question. Did you hear anything from people wearing dark green?"
"N-no, why?"
"I was just wondering. Ok well, see you on the stage... Serena"
She said my name in such a nasty tone. She had to have seen me ease drop. Anyway I should get some rest. I look up at the moon and it's light shines down on me. I get this sudden urge that something bad is going to happen but I can fix it. I've never been more excited in my life. I walk into the PokeCenter and see that there is a book for sale. It looks interesting.
"Excuse me, how much is this?"
Nurse Joy- "Oh A Story To Keep? That one is free. You can take it if you want"
"Ok, thanks!"
I quickly run into my rented room and start reading. The reason I wanted to read this book so badly is because of the author. There wasn't a first name, but there was a last ...Ketchum...

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