The Mystery of Blue and Red

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Hey everyone, so this chapter would have came out sooner but I became very ill. I hope you all forgive me and have a happy New Year.

{Serena's Point Of View}

I could have sworn that something was watching me last night, but I don't know what it could possibly be. Anyway I should get training. I walk out of the Pokemon Center to see the figure once again, standing still. This time it had glowing red eyes. It looked so familiar but I just couldn't remember it. And soon after that, it was gone in a flash. Like it was never even here.
"Where'd you go?" I shout but I got no answer.
"Oh well". I reach into my bag to grab a snack and I saw Ash's hat again. So, I decided to wear it. That hat was so comfortable I never wanted to take it off.
"Maybe there is some research done on that blue figure. I should go check".
I walk into the PokeCenter to see that nobody was here, and there was a book on the counter. I walked over to the counter to see the book was called 'The Mystery of Blue and Red'. Hmm. What a coincidence. As I start reading, time flies by so fast. "WHAT!?! IVE BEEN READING FOR 4 HOURS!!" I was supposed to rehearse today, but it's too late now. As I get up to get some fresh air, someone familiar walks in. "Hey, I recognize you"
"Shut it, kid!" He yelled back. At this point, I realized who he was.
"You're not taking Swablu! I won't let you!"
"Relax kid. I'm not after that Swablu right now. I just came back for my book I left here."
I realized I was still holding the book so I quickly dropped it. "What was it called?" I said, trying not to act suspicious.
"Really? I'm not an idiot. I just saw you drop it. Now could you hand me it?"
"Fine!" I said ",but it's the only thing I'm ever going to give you"
"You know this creature has such a strong amount of power?"
I was shocked. He immediately changed the topic. "Yeah, I read about it."
"Did you also read that it was first seen in the Kalos region?"
"Fascinating, just fascinating"
"Umm... yeah I guess"
"One day soon will be the last."
"Umm, excuse me?"
"Everything and everyone you've loved will be gone. Disappeared. Maybe even killed."
"What do you mean by this?"
"Team Delta will strike one day soon. Team Aqua and Team Magma have already been eliminated. There is no stopping us!"
"Anything can be stopped!"
"You can try, but you'll just die!" And he walked out on that note. What could he have possibly meant by that. Hmm... there it is again, the blue streak. "Please show me who you are!" I yelled at it, but it just vanished. By now, it was already late, and I was exhausted. I guess I should go to sleep and get an early start. I take off the hat and lay it on the table beside the bed and fall asleep. When I woke, the hat was on the pillow in front of me. My Pokémon were on the bed sleeping. I got up and walked into the hallway to see that the PokeCenter was packed. But one thing caught my eye. There was a book on the counter, the same spot the other one was. I walked over to it but it was different. This time, it had a post it on it, which said "Hope you had a nice dream, Serena! From Team Delta" How could this be happening. I realized that whole situation I had yesterday was all a dream. That's why nobody was there. Now I have one question. Was everything that he said in that dream real, or fake? And the blue streak. What is it? Is it good or evil? I have more than one question now. This is very confusing! Ok... calm down Serena. We need to practice or else our performance will be bad. I run back into my room and wake everyone up. I grab the hat, and I noticed something outside my window. It's the streak! It must be protecting me from something. I look down to see Swablu jump with joy. No way! Maybe Swablu does have a special power. We'll have to find out. Let's go!

So I hope everyone liked this chapter. It was actually pretty long. I had an extra 200 words. But hey, it makes it more interesting. I want to say that the next chapter is called "Progress and Production" I hope you all will enjoy that one too. Plus I finished all the chapter titles. I hope you're excited. Have a nice 2017!

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