The Battle Cry

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Serena- "What do you want from me!?!"
???- "Relax and hand over the Pokémon"
Serena- "I will protect Swablu with my life!"
???- "You don't get it kid. That Swablu is special. We need to investigate it."
Serena- "Investigate this!" Serena kicks the person in the face and continued to run
"I think I lost him. Why was he wearing a lab coat? Why did he want Swablu? I have so many questions but no answers!"
???- "I'm back, and there is no where to go!"
Serena faces the scientist, who has a big red mark on his face.
Serena- "What do you mean I have no where to g... *gasp WHEN WAS THERE A WATERFALL HERE!"
???- "Hand over Swablu, NOW!"
Serena- "Who are you!? And what are you trying to do!?
???- "You wanna know who I am? I'm a Team Delta Grunt! Now hand it over!"
Serena- "NO! I WILL NEVER!"
Delta Grunt- "Wait, Stop!"
Serena- "I will do what I have to to protect my Pokemon!"
Serena turns around and jumps off a cliff into the bottom of a waterfall.
Delta Grunt- "You can't hide forever! We will find and take what matters to you!"
Serena- "That was way too close. *gasp
The strength of the current was so strong that when Serena made contact with the rock sticking out of the water, it knocked her out.
Serena's lifeless body goes drifting down the river, slowly reaching the end of the current, and remains to float until she hits land.
Sorry if this chapter is extremely short. I wanted to get one out tonight. And yes, I had to end with a cliffhanger. Next chapter will definitely be bigger. I'm still getting into the grove of writing again, so I may be rusty and the chapters may be short. Anyways, thanks for reading this chapter. I wonder what will happen next...

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