Chapter 1

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Chapter One:

My name is Anna and I live in White Bear Minnesota, just sixteen miles from Saint Paul. I am thirteen years old and go to Central Middle school. I live with my mom and dad and little brother Adam.I run track, cross country and play basketball. I loved to eat and enjoy food. I am tall and I have brown hair and green eyes. I have always been a skinny girl. And that's what people have always said. But thats not what I saw.

"Anna come on down breakfast is ready" called my mother from downstairs.

" Ok!" I yelled back as I stood in front of the mirror. As I walked out of my room I grabbed my black and white backpack. When I walked down stairs into the kitchen it smelled like bacon and pancakes. Adam was already eating his plate at the table while my dad was reading the newspaper. My mom was standing in front of the stove making the bacon.

"Morning Anna" said my dad not looking up from the newspaper

"Good Morning Anna" shouted my mother from the kitchen. " would you like something to eat before you head out to school?' she asked.

"No thanks Im not very hungry" I said

My mom looked at me a little funny. She had a look of worry and concern on her face.

"Are you feeling ok? Are you sick?"She asked as she started to reach for my forehead to see if I had a fever.

"No mom I'm fine" I said with a little laugh and I pushed her hand away. I looked at the time. It was 7:40 and I needed to start walking to school. When I was almost out the door I heard my mother yell from the kitchen

"Grab your coat you'll freeze!" I rolled my eyes as I grabbed my gray fleece jacket. The air outside was cold and crisp. The leaves underneath my feet crunched as I stepped on them. My headphones were warm as I pulled them out of my jeans pocket and put them in my ears.The first song to come on was Summer Paradise by Simple Plan. It reminded me so much of summertime and I couldn't wait for next summer. But I think that the best summer was this last summer. I went to lots of parties and I also went to camp. And I think the best thing that happened last summer was when my family and I were at the lake and I snuck out in the middle of the night to go to a party.

As I walked into my homeroom it smelled like cinnamon and and pumpkin pie. It made me hungry and nauseous but I ignored the feelings. I pulled my water bottle out from the pocket on the side of my backpack and started drinking it. And all of a sudden the nausea got worse and I had to run to the bathroom. But while in the bathroom nothing happened and I was late for homeroom role call.

" Do you have a pass Miss Wood?" asked my teacher Mr. Lockwood.

"No" I stuttered " I was in the bathroom" I sat down and my friend Gina tapped on my shoulder.

"You ok?" she whispered. I nodded with a smile and turned back around. I didn't want her to know that I hadn't eaten anything at all today and felt sick. Food was the only thing that I think about these days. It consumed my thoughts everyday. My stomach growled and it started to hurt. It was so painful but I knew that it was worth it.

The pain went away a few minutes later and I was fine. But it was so hard to concentrate in class. The day went by as it regularly does. As I was about ready to walk out of my social studies class at the end of the day bell, I heard my name being called from behind me.

" Anna can I talk to you for a second please?" asked Ms. McCarthy. As I turned around Ms. McCarthy had her arms crossed and was giving me a look of sympathy.

"Are you doing ok? Because I've noticed that your grades are starting to slip and you're not focusing as well" she stated in worry.

"Yeah I'm fine. I just haven't been feeling well lately" I replied. "Can I go now?" I asked impatiently. She nodded at the door and I walked out. The air outside was cool and crisp. And the leaves crackled under my feet.My head phones were in and I turned the volume up so that I couldn't hear the world outside.

"What if she knows about me not eating?" I thought. "What if she tells my parents about my slipping grades?" All I could think was what if.

When I walked in the front door it was all quiet. I was home alone as usual. Adam was still at daycare and, Mom and Dad were still at work. My phone started buzzing and I heard its ringtone.

"Hello?" I asked as I answered it.

"Hi honey!" yelled my mom. "How was your day?" she asked.


"Did you eat anything yet after school?"

"No I'm not feeling the best right now"

"Well ok" my mom said with a sigh "Honey I have to go I'll see you in a few hours"

"Okay bye mom" and I hung up.It was so hard to lie to my mom like that but I knew that it was for the best.

I went upstairs to my bedroom and shut the door. Right as my computer screen was on a message popped up from Gina.

"What did Ms. McCarthy want?" she asked

"Oh she was asking about if I wanted to volunteer for some things" I lied. But I knew that she couldn't tell through the computer screen. We started to talk about the math assignment and how cute Josh Lewis was. About an hour later I heard my dad walk in with Adam. I told Gina that I had to go and I shut my computer. When I walked downstairs my dad had brought home a bunch of groceries.

"Hey Anna do you want some dinner?" asked my dad

"No thanks Im not feeling the best" I said as I grabbed my stomach and made a sick face.

"Well thats too bad I was going to make tacos" he said as he pulled out the meat and the taco seasoning. When I got back up to my room I turned on my Marianas Trench radio station on Pandora.

I heard Mom come home a little while later and ask where I was at and I heard dad say that I was upstairs in my room. I also heard him say that I didn't want to eat again. When I was about to yell out and say something snarky to both of them. I stopped myself. I didn't want seem like I was trying to not eat on purpose. So I just kept my mouth shut. And a little while later I fell asleep.

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