Chapter XVI

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Foxtail and I exited camp and began sniffing for a prey trail.

Deer. Foxtail whispered

I sniffed in her direction.

Great let's go.

We followed their trail carefully until we came to a grass-lush clearing.

I looked behind a tree and saw the bucks fluffy tail.

I crept to the other side of the clearings edge.

Fox-tail purposely snapped a twig to scare the buck in my direction, but instead the buck walked twords her to investigate.

Foxtail camouflaged with the fall leafs, she waited until it had its nose right in front of hers. Then she jumped at its face.

It nayed in surprise and staggered back, but it kicked her off with powerful hoofs.

She landed with a oof and layed struggling with the thick undergrowth.

I leaped at it from the back and it began bucking, not expecting the second attack.

I crawled up to its back and then to its neck.

Allison was up but she was limping. I grabbed onto its neck just as it flung my body off.

I hung from its skin and dragged it to the ground.

It grunted and jostled it's head around.

It's antlers snagged my shoulder, but I ignored the pain.

I held on stubbornly while it struggled, and it finally gave way and layed down limp.

I ran to check on foxtail and she was laying in the bush panting.

Her leg was welling with blood.

I gasped licking it swiftly.

She groaned and turned over.

I ran back to camp and grabbed a pawfull of cobwebs.

What's the matter?

I didn't answer, and continued to run back to the clearing.

When I got to the clearing I ran back to her, she was still bleeding.

I licked the blood and layed the web on the cut.

It turned dark red, but it did stop the bleeding.

I ran back to camp.

Leaf fur! Leaf fur!

What is it?

Fox tails hurt!

We need to carry her home!

Oh my gosh! Where is she?

In the small clearing! Come on!

I ran out of camp with leaf fur on my tail.

I followed the scent trail and broke through the brambles and into the clearing.

Foxtil was laying still right where she was before.

I sniffed her wound. It smelled sour.

I picked her up by her front.

Leaf fur watch out for her leg!

She picked her up and we began slowly and carefully walking back to camp.

We layed her down on the soft sediment in the cave with the shelf's.

She groaned.

What do we do?

Go get some marigold petals poppy seeds and golden rod.

What for?

Dressing her leg of course.

Um.. yea... I don't know any of those.

Ok then I'll get them, in the mean time apply pressure just above the wound to stop bleeding and maybe numb it.

I placed my paws on her upper hip and leaned on them.

She groaned and her eyelids fluttered slightly.

I licked her ears gently and waited impatiently.

When she finally returned she had many leafs and flowers by sled in her mouth and one bundle in her paws.

She spat them out. Here chew the marigold and golden rod up.

She put the poppy seeds between her lips hoping she would swallow.

I began chewing and I gagged a little. They tasted sour and tangy.

When I had the leafs chewed into a pulp I spat them out on a different leaf.

She picked up the leaf and took off her spider webs.

She began thickly lathering the wound in the green poultice.

Then she grabbed great cobwebs and covered the whole thing.

There. Now it should heal.

How did you do that? Your han... I mean paws. Work so fast?!

I'll tech you but right now I need you to gather as much moss as you can. Dip one of the moss balls in the stream.

I nodded and scampered off.

I found a patch of moss near an oak root and began clawing up strips of it.

I dipped one of the strips in the stream and headed back to camp.

When I got there leaf fur was pressurizing the wound.

I handed her the dry and wet moss.

She put the dry moss under her leg elevating it, and she put the wet moss in front of her muzzle.

Drink. She ordered.

Fox tail lapped lackadaisically at the dripping moss.

I layed next to her and we both fell fast asleep.

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