Chapter XIX

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So you see Wolf-heart, if someone dislocates their leg you should give them a thick stick or a log to bite before you begin.

Ah I see.

Do you want me to quiz you on the leafs again?

May as well.

What is this one for?

infections in wounds.

And how do you know that it is the plant that does those things?

It smells botanically and it is red or orange unlike the others.

Good. What's this one for?

Do you even need to tech me this one?

Your right obviously cobwebs are for stopping bleeding.

What's this one for?

Pain relief.

Yes and what flower does these seeds come from?



How about this one?

Starlight I wasn't expecting to see you here.

Oh fierce claw. I didn't know you were here.

Neither did I.

Is this rat pelt giving you trouble?

Um no...

Then what was she doing?

I was teaching her curing leafs.


Why don't you go hunting star light?


She scampered off into the bushes.

Cloud storm burst through the undergrowth.

What are you doing with her fierce claw?

I was just about to tell her not to ever share our meal again.

Well by all means continue. And If you knew what was good for you you would listen.

She walked away her tail swaying behind her.

So starlight was teaching you the curing leafs huh?



Starlight had left her leafs laying out.

What's this one for?

Fever and helps a she-wolf's milk supply.

He nodded.

And this one?

Deep cuts and wounds.

Ah ha.


How would you apply it to this?

He turned around showing me a nasty gash on his flank.

I would fir...

No, don't tell me I already know. How WOULD you apply it was what I asked not how DO you apply it.

I took a flat leaf from a tree above and chewed the yellow plant into a thick liquid.

I dipped my paw at the leaf and dabbed it on his bloodstained pelt.

Nope.i looked at him confused.

You have to clean the wound first or else it will only turn into bloody slop.

I sat back and looked at him.

I can't reach that far back, or I would have cleaned it already.

I stalked forward and began hesitantly cleaning it. I was very uncomfortable.

I turned back to the leaf and dipped my paw in it again.

I lathered the large gash in the liquid.

He turned to me when I was finished.

And then?

I grabbed a pawful of cobwebs and layered it on like a bandaid.

There. I said when I was finally finished.


I looked around.

He was looking up at a huge Raven, as big as my chest and as long as my tail.

He gave one humongous leap and grabbed the bird right off his pirch.

It squawked and batted his wings but he gave the death bite before it could escape.

I looked at him amazed by his jump

He threw the bird at my paws and walked away.

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