Chapter XVII

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Wolf heart! Wolf heart! Wake up!

Fox tail was above me.

The world was spinning.

I was laying in a pool of bloodstained grass.

I tried to sit up but a deep gash on my shoulder held me back.

Foxtail was dabbing cobwebs and moss on my wounds franticly.

You lost alot of blood Wolf-heart.

Yea I noticed. I said suddenly feeling light headed.

I heard a tiny voice behind me.

You didn't kill her. Right Fierce-claw?

No of course not. I only gave her a warning.

A warning?!

If that's a warning I don't want to know what a real fight is like. Said foxtail.

I began licking my shoulder. It stung like fury. It was so deep I could actualy see the edge of the inside of my own skin.

I shuddered as fox tail lapped at my scared belly.

She grabbed more cobwebs from the den, Firce claw watching her through narrowed eyes.

I winced as she poured fresh rain water on my shoulder and covered it with cobwebs.

She helped me walk to the biggest den on top of a small cliff leading down to the ground.

She layed me down and walked out of the den.

I heard a growl from outside.

Fierce claw walked in.

What do you want! Haven't you brutally injured someone enough for one day!

This is the leaders den and I'm the leader of my pack. I'm sleeping here for the rest of the night.

I sighed too tired and light headed to start an argument.

I put my head down and closed my eyes.

Morning came all too soon and my wounds were very very sore.

Fierce claw shook his pelt and headed for the entrance, but then he stoped and turned around.

Usualy I don't have to fight like that, but my pack needs to think I can lead us properly otherwise when
clover fur gets older he might challenge me for leadership.

I understand. I grumbled.

I'm sorry if I injured you badly.

I opened my mouth to reply but he was already gone.

I stood up. My shoulder stung but nothing else hurt badly.

I limped out of the cave. Fox tail had restocked the prey pile.

I hobbled down to the clearing. Cloud storm was talking to Fierce claw.

You sure showed her.

I growled under my breath.

There was a deer, half the caribou that fox tail had her leg injured by, and two rabbits.

I went over and grabbed one of the rabbits.

I walked over to foxtail.

Want to share? I asked


We both nibbled at the rabbit.

Fierce claw walked over to the fresh kill pile and grabbed the caribou and began feasting with his pack.

HEY! We caught that!

Yea and it's in our camp, so we have to share it.

Neither of you are fit to fight for it anyway.

What a bully. Foxtail grumbled heading back to our rabbit.

He slept with me last night claiming that it was the leaders den so we had to share it.


Do you think we should just give up and leave?

No never! He'll think we're weak. And then we'll have no home.

I guess your right said fox tail.

We finished our rabbit, and padded over to the most comfortable den, where fox tail had slept last night.

I lapped some of the honey to remind me what sweet tasted and felt like

I sighed looking at the cobwebs on my shoulder.

Fox tail left me in the warm glow of the den.

Suddenly Fierce-claw was behind me.

I spun around and growled.

I'm sorry did I startle you?

Yes I growled.

It's very cozy in here.

Yea. I glared at him but he seemed to ignore it.

You did do a good job of picking a camp, our camp was shadowed by trees and our dens we had to make ourselves by digging.

I turned. What do you want?

Nothing I'm just talking to a camp mate. Not to be mistaken by a pack mate.

I growled and shouldered past him out of the den. I yipped as a twig caught on my shoulder.

Are you ok?

I snorted and kept walking.

Oh Wolf-heart! You've opened your wound again!

Yea. I wouldn't have if that boulder of a wolf wasn't in my way.

What did he want with you?

I don't know. He was being oddly friendly.


Do you want to go hunting?

Sure. As long as you don't catch your wound on a twig again.

I won't. There won't be any gargantuan wolfs in my way.

We laughed and walked out of camp.

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