Chapter XVIII

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Me and fox tail began sniffing around the edges of camp looking for prey.

Me and Allison both scented prey coming from different directions, so we decided to split up.

I went down stream to a lusher part of the forest.

I was following the trail of a rabbit and fox tail was following a moorhen.

I sighted the cotton tail of my prey.

I dropped into a hunting crouch and stalked forward.

I was just about leaping length when suddenly star light burst through the undergrowth and killed the rabbit.

Hey! I was stalking that!

So was I. She replied

That's my rabbit!

No it's not I caught it.

I smelled something very sour and potent, like the marigold leaf fur showed me.

What's that smell?

What sme... Oh you mean the leafs I was collecting! Those are for Fierce claw. He was attacked by a honey badger.

I snorted looking at my own wounds.

You could use the leftovers for those. She said.

Thank you. I don't know much about plants and I don't know any healing leafs.

Well I could teach you. She said.

But not if Fierce claw sees. He will be upset if I was being nice to you.

Ok. I will "go hunting" tommorow at sun high.

I will meet you.

She trotted off with my rabbit in her jaws along with her leafs.

I picked up the scent of deer. I followed it slowly.

I was almost to a clearing where I thought it was when suddenly Fierce-claw jumped out of the bushes looking around.

I crouched in surprise and yipped.

Oh I didn't know you were here.

Neither did I. I said annoyed.

Are you hunting?


He dragged the deer into the clearing.

I think what you were stalking is now mine.

I growled. Are all of you just following me so I can't catch anything!

What do you mean?

Starlight stole my rabbit and now you stole my deer!

It belongs to the catcher not the stalker.

I grumbled and ran back to camp.

Fox tail was laying in the clearing head down looking defeated.

What's wrong?

Jagged bones stole my moorhen.

Who would have guessed.

I layed down next to her watching the other pack feast.

My stomach growled.

That's it! I said.

What? Said fox tail.

I'm hungry.

No! Don't even think about it! Fierce-claw will shred you!

Too late I already thought about it.

I stalked over to the deer that they were eatting.

Fierce claw flicked his ears at me as I sat down on the opposite end of the prey.

His ears flattened and his hackles raised along his back.

I lowered my mouth to the meat and took a precarious bite.

He stoped eatting and sat up.

The others knew what was going on.

He growled as I lowered my muzzle again.

I growled back.

I chewed slowly and swallowed looking him dead in the eye.

He stood up teeth baring.

I moved backwards away from the carcass.

He sat down ears flat and continued eatting.

I moved slowly paw step by paw step back twords the deer.

He looked up but did nothing.

I took another precarious bite and he contiued eatting aware of what I was doing.

I took a few more bites and he still did nothing.

I ate my fill and walked back to foxtail.

Well I did it.

Yes you did, and you could have been killed.

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