The beginning

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           I woke up in my purpled wall room with my stuffed bunny laying next to me, her name was fluffy. I woke up because I heard my mother crying. I grabbed fluffy and went into her room. Dad was gone again. I crawled in bed next to her and hugged her. "It's ok mommy. Daddy will be back in the morning." She just sobbed more. Couple minutes went by until she turned and looked at me deep into my eyes. "Tina? Does daddy hurt you? Does daddy touch you.?" I was only seven then so I didn't really think to much about the question. "No he doesn't why?" A stealthy tear slowly slipped out the corner of her eye. "I am going to be gone soon and I need to know that you will be safe." She pulled me close and closed her eyes, I knew that she fell asleep so I did too. The next morning I was in my bed. I got out but this time I left fluffy because daddy didn't like me carrying her. I walked in mom's bedroom and daddy was sleeping. BOOM! A gun shot fired and I ran to the basement and saw mommy laying there with a gun. Daddy ran down and pushed me down the stairs to where I was laying on top of my mother's lifeless body. Daddy called the cops and my life had never been the same.

Nine years later

          "Tina get your ass down here!" Another day in hell. Hopefully Dad is in a good mood. I slowly walk down stairs. I pasted clock on the way it is midnight and tomorrow is the first day of school. "Here Dad." I turned the corner and my dad was chugging another bottle of whiskey. "Come here sweetly I need you to do something for me." He did his evil giggle he does and I knew what was coming. "Yes dad?" I sucked in a breath and walked towards him. "I need you to go and DIE!!!!" It was like a kick to the heart I hated when this happens. He came up to me and grabbed my hair and pulled it back. He got so close to my face I thought he was gonna bite my nose off. He spat at my face. "I HATE YOU IT IS ALL YOUR FAULT THAT SHE IS DEAD!!!" That hurt but not as much as what I knew was coming. He shoved my to the ground and kicked me. One time in the chest and then to many times to count in the stomach. I felt the blood puddle just sitting in my throat waiting to come out. I started to see my vision blur. Then complete darkness took me. "Tina?" I heard my mother's lawless voice. "Mother?" The tears leaked out. "Why did you leave me mama? Why did you do this to me? What have I don't to deserve this?" She had the saddest look in her eyes. "I am sorry but it is going to get better. Trust me." I woke up to my father yelling my name. "Tina! Time for school!" I got up and it was six o'clock. I hopped in the shower and counted the bruises on my body. There were six new ones and fourteen old ones. I got out of the shower as slowly as I could to try and not have the pain hurt so bad. We just moved here at the beginning of the summer so this is a new school. I got dressed as quietly as I could so my father wouldn't want to hurt me again. I grabbed my books and stuffed them in my back pack. I ran downstairs and out the door. I now started my long journey to my new school. When I got there, there were a swarm of kids getting of the buses and going inside. I walked in the front office. "Hi, my name is Tina Finland. And I am the new student." I put on the biggest fake smile I could. "Oh hi. Here is your schedule, locker combination, and a map to the school." She smiled and looked back down at what she was previously doing. Good thing my father didn't give me a bruise on my face last night. I went to my first class early. It was study hall, thank god. When I got in the class the teacher was asleep and there were no kids there. I sat down right as the bell rang and the teacher woke up. All the kids ran in laughing and giggling. The second bell rang and the teacher stood up and took attendance. "Tina Fin..?" "Here" I said raising my hand. I didn't want any kids knowing my last name and give them a reason to make fun of me. Then the teacher sat back down. All the kids started talking again. I slowly got out my book trying not be in too much pain. "Zander! Finally." The teacher said, "Sorry I am late sir." Said the boy who just walked in. Everyone started laughing and he sat down in the only open seat, in front of me. Everyone started talking and stopped looking at Zander. "Hi!" he said looking at me. "Hi" I said back in a slight whisper. He frowned and looked at me funny. He touched my hand and there was a zap we both jumped back. He looked at me in shock for a minute or two. "Zander! Why are you looking at me like that?" I said  quietly because it hurt to talk loud. He shook his head as to snap himself back into reality. "What is your name, beautiful?" He said with a smile.

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