Does True Love Die?

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               By the end of The Best of Me I was crying. I just sat there silently sobbing. I looked over at Zander and he was sound asleep. I couldn't even speak, this movie was so depressing. I punched Zander's arm as hard as my weak arms could manage. "OWW. What was that for?" He said while sitting up quickly and rubbing where I hit him. He glanced at me."Oh Tina what happened are you ok?" He said. "Well if you even watched the movie you would know I am not O-ok!" I said a little upset that he fell asleep but trying not to show any sarcasm. He looked at the tv and chuckled while shaking his head. "Tina my mother and sisters have made me watched this movie a thousand times. I think I know why you're crying." He said while trying to hold in a laugh. "Well, if you were a c-caring boyfriend you would comfort your crying girlfriend." I tried to say sarcastically but it came out a little too angrily. His face went from smiling big to drop dead serious. "Tina, I am sorry I thought we were joking. But I think I am a caring boyfriend." His face looked a little disappointed. Oh my god I didn't mean to make him upset. "Zander I-I didn't mean to say it like that I was trying to say it sarcastically. You are a caring boyfriend. I-I just I don't know I didn't think you would fall asleep." I said to embarrassed to look him in the eyes. He brought his finger ups to raise my chin to look at him. "It's alright Tina I just thought you were really upset. And I am sorry for falling asleep I just feel to comfortable around you I can't sleep or even focus without you." I felt my heart skip a beat. No one has ever said anything like this or at least said anything nice at all before. I opened my mouth to say something back when there was a hard knock on the door. "I'll get it" Zander said. I sat and waited on the couch while I heard him unbolt the door and open it. I slowly got up and looked around the corner. There were police men. "Sorry sir, but we have a reason to believe that a girl by the name of Tina is here, and she is under the age of 18 and she needs to be returned to her father immediately. You either turn her to us or you can be arrested and charged with kidnap." The officer said sounding very threatening. Zander had worry look on his face. "Uhhh...ok hang on a second." Zander closed the door. And came over to me. "Tina, you have to go back I am so sorry but you aren't 18 and I know the consequences if I refuse to hand you in." A small tear escaped my eye as I knew that I would be in the hands of my father and who knows what he could do. "B-But I don't want to he will hurt me." I started to cry more a this point. "Don't worry Tina I will figure out a way to have us both out of this town and we will return when you are 18 ok? I love you." He said before pulling me to his chest. There was a knock on the door. "Ok babe you gotta go now. I love you and I will get you out of there soon enough ok?" "O-ok." I said while wiping away any trace of tears. I slipped on my shoes and let the police men lead me to their car. Of course the drive was over quickly. One of the police men walked me to the door. When my dad answered he grabbed me and hugged me. "Oh, Tina I missed you so much." He said and the police officer left. When the door closed two hands grabbed me from the back. "Ok boys let's wait for the cops to leave then you can take her." Luckily I had my phone in my bra so they wouldn't find it in my pocket. One of the men started checking my pockets, "All clear, sir." He said before putting a rag on my face. When I finally woke up I was in a dark room that smelled like metal and sweat and maybe a little blood. I wasn't chained up as I thought I would so I quickly reached for the phone in my bra. Yes! It was there. I quickly turned it on and looked around. I was in a small room with a giant metal door and no windows or nothing. I quickly pulled up Zander's phone number and started calling him when I heard voices. "Tina? Are you ok?" "Zander don't-t hang up these men took me listen in they are about to c-come in." I whispered before hiding the phone under my jacket in the corner. The door opened to reveal one of the men that Zander injured when he was in his wolf form. "Hello there beautiful. We have a special surprise for you." He said in an evil voice. "And what would t-that surprise be?" I asked trying to show no fear. "That would be this." He showed a giant whip. "A whip?" I said in a loud enough voice so Zander could hear. "Yes" The man said with an evil smirk on his face. He jumped on me and pushed me on the wall where there were handcuffs hooked in the wall. He handcuffed my legs and hands. "No, no please don't hurt me." I said in the most innocent voice that could come out of my mouth. "Well honey, there is gonna be more than you getting injured." He said before ripping my shirt and taking my bra off but I was facing the wall so he couldn't see my breasts. "Well here comes to pain sweetheart." He said while throwing the whip at my back. The pain was unbearable. I screamed at the top of my lungs but it only made him laugh. I could feel the blood trickling down my back. He kept throwing the whip at me. Cut after cut went into my back, deeper and deeper. At some point I lost so much blood that I passed out. But before I fell asleep I heard the guy say one last thing. " If you fall asleep you are going to regret it when you wake up." I tried my hardest not to fall asleep. I knew exactly what they were going to do to me if I did manage to pass out. When I woke up I was on the ground in the same room. At least I think so. I was freezing. That was when I realized that I had no clothe on. I tried to stand up but the pain was unbearable. I knew exactly what they did. So this is what he meant that I would regret if I fell asleep. He meant he was going to rape me. I started crying. Maybe I deserved all this. Maybe true love comes with a price. Maybe Zander was in on this. My dad was right no one would ever love me. No one would ever look at me and be nice. I am a worthless piece of shit that everyone hates. Maybe I deserve this. I deserve to die. At this point I was sobbing. I cried and cried and cried until there were no more tears left in my body to shed. I still cried though, I cried until my throat throbbed, but I still didn't stop. I cried until I felt my eyes swelling I cried until I fell asleep. When I woke up I was naked still but I was on a metal tables.I tried to look around but I couldn't because my head was strapped to the table. After a couple minutes went by a by a man came in dressed in white with goggles on and a white mask on his face along with giant black rubber gloves. He came over to me with a knife and pressed it against my chest. "Why? W-why are you doing t-this I asked." "Because I have to." The person almost sounded scared. Almost desperate. He added a little pressure and the blood smeared down, in-between my breasts, down to my stomach, and dripped onto the metal table. "I'm sorry." I heard the person say before the door flew open. The person covered my mouth with a rag and started yelling at whoever knocked down the door. But I couldn't hear what he was saying because the rag made my vision blur and before I knew it I was being lifted and I pass out, with the thought of death in my mind.


Thank you guys for reading and please vote and comment please. I really need feedback on what to end this book like. Should I have a happy ending or not?

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