It's Good to be Back

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               I was just happy that I had Zander even if I knew the reason for my mother's death. But I didn't want to tell Zander about everything just yet. Last night was the best night I have ever slept. Even though overtime I shut my eyes the picture of my mother kept coming back but I knew that Zander was here with me and I needed him the most, in order to heal. Zander and I fell asleep on the bed with our legs tangled and my arms around his waist with my head in his chest. I never wanted to leave this position. When I woke up Zander was gone. How did he manage to leave without waking me up? I guess I was pretty out of it. I slowly got up and found some of Zander's sweatpants and a t-shirt. After I put on my undergarments and then got dressed in his cloths I made my way downstairs. "No!" I heard Zander say. "I am not leaving her." I heard someone else talking, it sounded like a woman. "No, absolutely not. I just got her back and you expect me to leave her?" He sounded threatening, almost scary. "Mother, no I am not leaving this town no matter what you have to say." I peeked over the corner and saw that Zander was face timing who seemed to be his mother. "I have to go sorry mother.Good bye I love you." And with that he hung up. "I know your there no need to hide anymore." I was shocked. How did he know that I was here. "What was that all about with y-your mother?" I said casually. I came over to him as he pushed his chair out about to get up. Before he could get up I jumped in his lap. "Oh, my mother just wanted me to go to Florida to see my get aunt. But I will be seeing her in a couple weeks so it's no biggy." He said before resting his head on my shoulder. "How did you manage to leave without waking me up?" I could feel a smile grow on his precious face. "You were pretty tired and you were out of it. But you were talking in your sleep about....about what happened, like you were there again. I heard you screaming to stop and,,, I don't know I just wanted to comfort you but I didn't know how so I just let you sleep because you stopped screaming." He said before making eye contact with me. I smiled, "I stopped screaming because I was dreaming about you!" I said while wrapping my arms around his neck. He smiled but I could see the same hurt I saw when I saw him yesterday. "Tina?" "Mhmm?" I said just burying my face in his neck. Thanking God that I was safe again. "I want to know what happened but you don't have to tell me right now I just want to know at some point. Ok?" I nodded my head squeezing him tighter and digging my face deeper in his neck. I don't know how long we stayed in this position but all I know is that when I am with him either time stops all together or time flys by. But I woke up from wherever I was, probably Zanderland, from Zander picking me up like a five year old. I pretended to be asleep too lazy to even open my eyes. But I did open my eyes when Zander put me down and pulled away as if to leave me alone. "No! Please don't leave me." I said not realizing that I was terrified of being alone. Especially in the dark. "Ok, I won't just hang on a second." When he pulled his hand from mine I felt cold, colder than I had ever felt before. I saw him undress until he only had boxers on and he crawled under the blankets with me. He must have saw that I was shivering because he put his arms around my waist and pulled me to him. I felt my body relax. I hated the feeling if being cold because I was always cold when those men kidnapped me. I was cold and vulnerable. "Tina?" His voice sounded worried. "Hmm" I responded too tired to open my mouth. "We have all the men who tortured you in a cell in the next town over and they had secret cameras that they were recording what they did to you. And when you feel asleep on my lap I watched them and I..." He choked back a sob, "I am sorry for what they did to you. I am sorry that I wasn't there to save you. I just wanted you to feel safe and I failed. I'm so sorry." At this point I could feel him crying by the way he was breathing. "Zander, it isn't your fault. I am kinda glad that you watch those videos because I was really dreading trying to tell you myself. But these wounds will heal just what I don't think will heal is what I saw when I was asleep after you saved me." I said trying not to cry. "What did you see?" He said softly. "C-Can I tell you tomorrow because I am extremely t-tired?" "Sure, love, whatever you would like." "Zander? Did I ever t-tell you that I love you and I am so glad that you found me." I just tightened my hold around him so I could feel safer. "I love you too." He said and then I was gone. I did have a dream tonight but it was a good dream. It was one of me and Zander when we were older. We had two kids and Zander and I watched them running around in the backyard of our perfect little white house. I was happy and I knew Zander was too. I dreamed of our perfect little future and I couldn't think of any better way for my life to end up like.


Hey guys thank you so much for reading and please vote and comment what you think I really need feed back on whether you guys like it or not so please comment. Love you guys!

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