Zander and I

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               I woke up from the cold air that was there instead of Zander. My eyes flew open see Zander trying to sneak out of the room. I sat up and smiled as he almost tripped on the sweater I just left in the middle of the floor. "You aren't that good at sneaking o-out you know." I seemed to spook him because he jumped a little. "Holy shit you scared me." He said while making his way back to me. "No, you can't come back you already left." I teased. He stuck his bottom lip out and crossed his arms around his chest to pretend to pout. While he brought his arms up to his chest I found my self looking at his chest and muscles  because he didn't have a shirt on. I hadn't realized that I was staring until I saw him flexing. I hurriedly looked back up to his face. "Like what you see?" He said with a smirk on his face. I felt my self blush. "No...uh..maybe." I said trying not to sound too embarrassed but failed greatly. I looked at my fingers that were fiddling with his t-shirt that I was wearing. And out of no wear I was flat on my back with Zander on top of me. "No need to be embarrassed. What you see is already all yours, along with my heart." I saw the fear in his eyes, not knowing what my reaction would be. "Well like I said I love you and you have my heart as well. But just so you know this w-whole relationship is new to me." I could feel my cheeks burning. "Don't worry I will help you." He put his face closer to mine. So close I could feel the tip of his nose on mine. I pulled my arms around his neck and pulled him closer to me. Our lips just met when my phone started buzzing. Zander pulled away and handed me my phone from the night stand. I answered. "Hello?" I said a little quiet but enough for them to hear me. It was from a restricted number. "Tina?" The voice sounded raspy but threatening. "Yes?" I said a little shaky while looking at Zander. His eyebrows were tight together with a concerned look on his face. "Where the hell are you? And what did you to my boys?" It was definitely my father. "I.....uhhh......" Zander's hand came up and pulled the phone from my hand seeing that I had a hard time getting words out. "I know what you did to her and it is illegal you can go to prison for what you did to her so why don't you go and fuck yourself and leave her alone. All you managed to do was make her life horrible. You deserve to go to hell." Zander used a voice that I had never heard before. It was threatening and scary. I stopped shaking. He hung up and looked up at me with concerned expression in his face and his eyes. "Tina? Are you okay?" I couldn't speak no one has ever stood for me like that before. I opened my mouth to talk but nothing came out so I closed it. I just got to my knees in front of him and put my forehead to his. "Thank you" I whispered not knowing if he heard me or not, but hoping he did. "Of course, my love." He said and the butterflies in my stomach returned like they always did when he called me that. I was so happy, probably the happiest I had ever been in my whole life. I was about to give him a kiss but my stomach got the better of me. It growled right as our lips were about to touch. He pulled away with a smile on his face. "Guess your stomach needs some attention. Huh?" I shyly nodded my head. He wrapped his long arms around me and pulled me off his bed with him. He gently put me down and kissed me temple before my stomach did another round of growling. "Ok ok tell you stomach to calm down." He said teasingly. I just blushed and pushed myself to him again. He wrapped me in another hug before grabbing my hand and pulling me down stairs. When we got down stairs he lifted me up on the counter next to the stove. "What are we making for ..." I looked at the clock and it was already almost 1 pm. "lunch. Wow! Time flys when I'm with you." I said this last part shyly. "Well, now it is the weekend so you got your your way, but remember this weekend is gonna go by faster because we have the whole house to ourselves this weekend." When he finished there was a slight knock on the door. I froze. Hopefully it wasn't my father or any of his friends. Zander took a big sniff. Then looked at me and saw the worry on my face. "Don't worry it is just one of my friends for school we planned to hang out today sorry I completely forgot." Zander ran and opened the door leaving me to finish cooking the eggs. By the time I had the eggs all cooked and in a big bowl they came in the kitchen. "Jack this is Tina. Tina this is Jack." As soon as we shook our hands I felt a horrible feeling from him but I pushed it to the back of my head. "Nice to meet you Jack." I said nicely "You to Tina." The way he said my name gave the shivers. "Zander the eggs are ready." I said. "Oh ok I will get them and bring them out. Tina just get to know Jack." "Ok" I said as cheery as I could but I couldn't shake the creepy feeling inside me. He left the room and before I knew what was happening I was pushed against the wall and Jack's hand was over my mouth. "I know who you are Tina and I know your father. He gave me permission for you to be mine. So you are now mine." He grabbed my hands and held them against  the wall and kissed me. Forcing my mouth open and his tongue in my mouth. He finally pulled away with an evil smirk on his face. "Now if you tell Zander about this I will kill him with you watching." I was just frozen against the wall. Jack sat down in one of the seats while I sat in the opposite of his. He just evilly smirked at me. Zander walked in with big smile on his face. "Sorry for the wait I couldn't find a third plate." Zander said happily. I didn't say another word during the whole meal. Towards the end Zander squeezed me thigh before getting up and showing Jack out. When he came back he had a concerned look on his face. "Tina what did Jack say or do to you?" I couldn't speak I was still in shock. I looked up at Zander with fear in my eyes. He ran to my side and kneeled next to me. "What did he do?" He said more eager this time. "I-I can't tell you h-he said n-not to o-or he will..." I couldn't finish or I would be watching Zander die in front of me. "Tell me what he did or I will make him tell me himself." "No n-no no Zander t-trust me that will only m-make it worse. Ok? D-do you trust me?" I said trying not to show any fear. "Yes, I do trust you but I don't want you to live in fear. Especially here. I want you to feel safe here." "I do Zander I really do. I feel safe with you and I did feel safe here, but they know I am here and I need to leave." I said trying my hardest to not cry. But Zander didn't seem to understand because his eyes started to fill with tears. "Zander. I love you and I trust you I just.. I can't trust others and you can't protect me from all the other people who want to hurt me and I don't expect you to." I said while grabbing his face and bring him to stand and give me a hug. "But.. Tina I-I can't live without you. I can protect you and I will. I promise." This last sentence he said so soft I almost missed it. "Zander you might get hurt because of me and...(sob).. I won't be able to live with my self if you get hurt or possibly..Killed while protecting me." I was sobbing at this point while a few tears streamed down his face. "But where will you go? I won't be able to move on from you." He said while I whipped the stealthy tears off his cheek while he put his hand on top of mine while closing his eyes and leaning into my hand. "Zander I am not safe and you aren't as long as I am here." He opened his eyes with sadness and fear in his eyes. "I don't expect you to move on from me." I said while my sobbing stopped but the tears didn't. "I love you Tina please don't leave me. I won't be able to live knowing that you are out in the world without my protection." He said while having our foreheads touch. "Then come with me." I said as quietly as I could. "But I am a soon to be alpha in a couple months after we graduate." He said with hurt in his eyes that I have offered him to leave his pack. "I know that is why we would leave and finished school somewhere else and we would come back after." I said with hope in my voice. "We only have about three and a half months until we graduate." I added trying to convince him. "Fine but right after we graduate we are coming back right?" He asked. "Yes. I promise." I said while digging my face in his neck and inhaling his scent. The scent that was now my home. "I will go with you. I love you." He whispered in my ear before kissing the top of my head and resting his cheek where he kissed me. "I love you too." I said through his skin. We stayed like this until his phone started going off. I pulled away and looked at the clock it had been three hours since we Jack got here. Zander pulled his phone out of his pocket. "It's Jack." Zander said while looking at me. "I won't answer it." He said while declining the call. I grabbed Zander's hand and guided him back up to his room after we locked all the doors. When we got undressed until he was in just his boxers and I was in his boxers and one of his t-shirts. We crawled in bed enjoying each others' company. "I love you Tina no matter what." He said while his arms found a way to grab me and pull me close to him. "I love you more." I said hoping he would believe me. I buried my head in his chest before drifting off to sleep.

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