A New Friendship

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The day went smoothly, no violent outbursts from anyone, mainly training, learning to trust each other. That night, I heard a hesitant knock on my door.

"May-may I come in?" It was Jack. What did he want?

"Of course." I called back.
The door opened and Jack slipped into my room. He stepped lightly across the floor and sat at the foot of my bed, making the matress sink. I sat up to make myself level with him.

Jack took a deep breath and said to me, "I'm sorry about the, um... ya'know, other day."

"Oh! It's alright, I think I know what you're feeling." I said, surprised.

"Oh you do now?" Jack returned micheviously, raising an eyebrow and smirking.

"Of course, you probably felt threatened that you were being replaced by not one but three guardians. Then North forced you to get one of your "replacements", under the assumption you would be in stated as leader, only to have that position taken by me."

Any traces of a smirk left his expression, in its place, a new emotion clouded over his pale face, he looked so crestfallen. He sighed, "Yeah..." Was all he could say.

"It's ok, I promise." I said.

Jack gave me a grateful look. "Thanks."

"No prob. What else do you need?"


We stayed up late, talking about little things, making terrible jokes at each other, until the rift that had formed between us and the argument that happened the first day seemed like nothing. An unconvenient squabble.

We had to stop when Merida came in to the room. "Will ya two lovebirds stop it please? I'm tryin' ta sleep here." It was totally obvious we had woken her up, her hair was even more of a rat's nest than usual, for starters.

Jack's face was as red as ketchup. I knew my face was probably just as bad if not worse but I recovered quicker, "Why of course ma'lady. Wouldn' wan' ta' disturb ya sleep now would we?" I asked in a terrible attempt at a Scottish accent.

Jack caught on and widened his eyes in mock surprise. "Ma'lady! Wha' are ya' doin' up in such wee hours of the morning?"

Merida looked at us and rolled her eyes, "Ya both suck." Was her only response before leaving the room.

We waited a couple minutes until snoring shook the walls. Finally, we couldn't take it any longer. Jack and I both looked at each other and lost it. It felt nice to laugh. We laughed so hard until we forgot what we were laughing at, and our breath hitched, and our sides hurt. And then we laughted some more.

When we finally could breathe normally again, we took a look at the clock. I relized we had stayed up all night! It really was the wee hours of the morning.

Jack noticed it too, "Wow, um, I'd better get going." He said before leaving quietly.

I layer back down in bed, bidding Jack a good rest of the night sleep. I tossed and turned, trying to get this weird sensation out of my chest that I couldn't put a finger in. Maybe you know what I'm talking about? It's so hard to describe, but your chest gets all warm, and you can't help but smile. It's one of the most wonderful feeling in the world. I wondered why I felt this way.

And then it hit me. It was because I had found a freind. Someone like me. In the most unexpected place, at the most unexpected time. And that was one of the greatest gifts I could receive.

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